We need to face medical facts!

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Yes of course you can have waxy, leathery, white skin
But only when you are first burnt! Over time it heals, turning into a scarred look.
No it would not singe your hair black. It would singe your hair off. His brown hair would come back but very choppy.
NO you cannot see without your fucking eyelids! He would go blind, with or without eyedrops.
I swear seeing people who get excited because they think Jeff is real, don't realise that he wouldn't look like how everyone portrays him to be
He would have scarring to the insanity on his face, the skin would be discoloured, and he would be a mess, cutting his face induces in a form of scarring over time, or infection to the point it would go to his heart and kill him
To be able to study medical books hours upon hours, I know a good amount about the medical world and hate to make fangirls sad to know their jeffypoo isn't a sexy crazed killer
Although he could be since he's a mystical
With his mommy slender and his stoned lover BEN. By the way should I take my assholiness and explore past just Jeff? I think I will!
BY THE WAY IF YOU EVER HAVE A TOMATO GARDEN AND SEE A GREEN CATERPILLAR WITH A RED STINGER AND WHITE EGGS ON ITS BACK KILL IT WITH FIRE. A mother wasp has laid eggs in the caterpillar and the eggs are cocoons, me and dad burned it with fire and feel proud since wasps are assholes who can burn in hell

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