Baxton cooper

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Full Name: Baxton Jace Cooper

Creepypasta Name: Believe it or not, Baxton does not have nor want a name that isn't his own. While people have given him some, he heavily refuses to use them himself.
(Good job changing it up)

Nickname(s): Black Moon. Moonlit Hunter. Two-Sides. Carnivore.
(Carnivore? Is he a cannibal??)

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Date of Birth: November 19th 1988

Religion: Baxton is agnostic; in other words, he doesn't really bother with religion.
Place of Birth: Gainesville, Georgia

Ethnicity: 1/4 Native American and 1/4 French (Father's side), 1/4 Irish and 1/4 English (Mother's side).
(So, white hahahahahahahahaha I'm so lonely)

Race/Species: Human/Werewolf via infectious bite

When'd He Become a Werewolf?: He became a werewolf at the age of 17, on Friday, March 25th, in 2005.
(Specific as balls)
Languages spoken: English, took Spanish in high school but doesn't remember much.
(Same doggo dude, same)
Orientation/Sexual Preference: Omniromantic Pansexual
(I too am pan, welcome to the invisible club)

Occupation (before becoming a Pasta): No professional occupation. High school student.

Blood type: B-

Mental Disorder: Emotional Dissociation. Baxton doesn't feel nor show as much emotion as normal people would in most situations. He also has trace Paranoia.

Phobia(s): Scopophobia, fear of being stared at. Claustrophobia, fear of cramped spaces. Acrophobia, fear of extreme heights.

Habits: Baxton is an occasional smoker, but has been trying to stop since his killings have began.

Powers/Special Abilities: Transformation under light of the full moon into his much more dangerous werewolf form. This form grants him increased speed and strength, as well as heightened senses and low-grade night vision. His werewolf-like abilities carry over to his human form, but in a much smaller potency. He is able to sneak about while being nearly unheard as a human.

Weaknesses: As a human, he is as vulnerable as any other, and can be killed normally as well. The flash from a camera, or any other type of sudden flash, can disorient him for a moment due to his sensitive eyesight. As a werewolf, his increased speed and strength come with a price; he has decreased intelligence, and is a much bigger target. As a result, he can be lured into a trap (if one has been pre-made), and he cannot go into spaces smaller than him. As with most werewolves, silver can hurt him, but only a significant amount of silver to the heart can actually kill him in that form.

Height: 6'3 Human, 7'9" Werewolf
Weight: 204.7 lbs Human, 381.5 lbs Werewolf
(Heavy ._.)

Hair/Fur color: Dark brown with some grey at the roots due to stress. The color is almost fully brown when in werewolf form.

Hairstyle: Permanent bedhead, being unkempt and messy. As a werewolf his fur coat is thick but short.

Eye color: Light green as a human. In werewolf form, his eyes turn amber, a common trademark of the species.

Scars/Weird Marking(s): Large canid bite marks on his left calf that have created a scarred indention into the flesh. This is the bite which infected him and turned him to a werewolf.

Skin: Slightly dark skinned due to both time outside, and being 1/2 Native American. The area around the bite mark on his calf is much paler than the rest of his body.

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