Time periods?

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Why does it all take place in the today time?
Why not do something amazing like a Jack the Ripper kind of shit?
I mean I'm just saying that would be preeeettty awesome. He wears the petticoats instead of a hoodie, and trousers, looking stylish yet horrifying at the same time!
Am I the only one who would be amazed by that? Yes? Well fine. But it wouldn't be awful to see something so cool.
Hell if anyone wrote one that took place in the 1700's I would be so amazed by them I would probably praise them In all of my books! If they were a Jeff the killer fanfiction or not!
Time periods really do add to the mood of a story, a fucking steam punk Jeff the killer, do you know how awesome that could be?
Really fucking awesome.
You gotta step out of your comfort zone when it comes to writing
No one does great things from their comfort zone.
Be different. Not like everyone else

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