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Alright if you have never had sex, get the fuck away from writing erotic shit. You are pure to those feelings that happen during sex
And need to chill the fuck out!
We get it! Smut is quite nice but some of you horny ass 12 year olds need to calm yourself, and get some damn Jesus in your life you virgins!

If you are more experienced, then you are good but again, don't get too descriptive that might make the kids piss their pants with hormones.
And why does the girl have to be so pure?
Like she's never touched herself? Hell no everyone has masterbated we have all done it!
It's a casual way to release hormones!
And another thing why is it that the smut is always so gentle and shit?
he's gonna be into kinky shit bby.
Like probably bondage and sub-Dom kind of shit
Who knows? He could either be into dead girls or live ones
And what the hell is with some of your expressions??
'The orgasm ripped through my body and I screamed out in pleasure'
Damn bitch you okay? Chill out, don't make people feel like orgasms are meant to be crazy painful
And if you have parents home, you are tend to one not going to be moaning and screaming like, you don't want the neighbours and the whole town to fucking hear you! Silent is also sexy.
Again why is sex gotta be all romantic and shit like it is in movies?
Sex is awkward, and with humour, if you can't laugh while having it, then you shouldn't be having it!
Keep it classy, not trashy.

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