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Name: Unknown

Age: 21

Job: Sexy waitress in casino. It's where she finds her victims.

Ethnicity:multiracial (or Caucasian)

Pets: A crow (Raven) (2 very different birds)

Recidence: In a apartment, but got burned down after cops found Jeff.
(You don't need to use one of the famous creeps!)

Her mother, Elizabeth. She married Joanus: a gang leader who was respected because of the weapons he possessed. But Joanus' brother: Thomas. He loved her since the beginning of their childhood, he COULDN'T let go over her. No matter how hard he tried. So Thomas began to hate his own brother.

After Joanus' death, Elizabeth fell into pit of despair. She regretted into inviting her husband to a motacycle ride. Thomas then felt happy that his brother was out of the way. Completely forgetting about his love for him. He tries to win over Elizabeth's heart, but fails after she tells him to stop. Few weeks later, Elizabeth finds out she's pregnant the day she leaves behind the gang. When Thomas realizes she's gone. He vows to find her, capture her, and force her to bare his childeren. But he didn't find her in over 6 years.

When the day Thomas found Elizabeth, he also found Joanus' daughter. Elizabeth's and Joanus' daughter made him realize that he didn't need Elizabeth anymore. Instead, he now desired his seven year old niece.

Killing Elizabeth with the weapon he had inherited from Joanus'. Thomas manipulated his niece into thinking he's her father. Taking her in, he expected big things from her. Which he was indeed satisfied after her two years of training.

Along the way, Elli became friends with Dalphane. Thomas' real daughter. Whom was also under Thomas' training. The whole reason for their training is so that Thomas can determine who can inherit the weapons and the group of servers under his spell. But in due time, Thomas kills off his own daughter because he couldn't bring himself to kill Elli. Just 'cause Elli looks so much like Elizabeth. (Thomas is delirious at that point on)

(Elli is short for Elizabeth, because he didn't want to call her by her real name)

After experiencing Dalphane's death. Elli now realizes that her mother didn't 'sleep': she was killed. On that same night, Elli's sarrows, pain, guilt and grief gave birth to her new peronality. Which caused her to give up the name she was given.

**the rest is confidential ;) you'll see the rest of it in my new upcoming story**
(Winky face eh? Have you read this book?)
Hobbies: To live in her fantacies, remembering the feeling of her revenge: the day she killed her uncle.
(fantasies. Work on spelling!)
Single or married: Single

Childeren?: In the end, she has a girl, but she gives it up a day after.
(Who did she have sex with in order to have a child and how could it survive?)
Temperment: Not so good.
(So she has a bad temper? Usually under personality)
Favorite color: red, blue= purple

Friends: Jeff, casino friends(coworkers), Lui, Dalphane, and Raven.

Personalities: Genisis= the beginning
Destiny= fate

Favorite food: Turkey sandwiches and Jello.

Drinking patterns: When Genisis takes over, she tends to drink when very angry and/or sad.

Destiny dosen't drink, she think that people that have a hangover is immature.


Lust (main personality): Sociophobia, Phasmophobia, Eisoptrophobia,

Genisis: Phasmophobia,

Destiny: Aphenphosmphobia

Faults: She feels that she let her mother die, and Dalphane die all beacause she DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL DEATH MEANT.

Something hated: Liars, people who hate their mothers.

Secrets: Her real name.

Strong memories: The day her mother died, being sisters with Dalphane, the fact that Thomas was using her the whole time (so that he can relive the feeling of being with her mother.)

Any illnesses: Strong Identity disorder, and small voices.

Nervous gestures: Takes too much of very deep breaths, and/or crack knuckles

Sleep patterns: Normal.

(Anyone who works in a casino has the worst sleep patterns so that's almost impossible)

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