Sing a song. Kiss my ass

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'Before he had the chance to speak, I suddenly broke into song'
"Shalalalala I'm fucking cliche and annoying"

Yeah we get it, music motivates us to write these fucking book but, no one gives a damn about your fucking song lyrics hon.
I mean every book I write I use music twisted into the books but not just straight up lyrics from your favourite band.
This will sound stupid but, it's like baking
You don't just drink the vanilla extract you must mix it in, people know it's there, and it's not too overpowering.
I bake okay? Can't help it!
Anyway, keeping the music lyrics out unless they are like tiny, perfect paragraphs to fit for the scene, those are nice!
For example;
'I sat here at the bar before a man came out onto stage, I gasped in realisation of who it was
That asshole earlier who cut me off! Then shouted at me at the red light!
He's a singer? Ha! Probably has a shitty voice!
"Watch your step, around these words cause
There gonna get you, in the end" he sang.
that smirk on his lips made me want to punch him in the mouth."
See? Not too bad right?
Nice to know you guys like the colour blue, I like blue too so that's awesome!
Also did you know we are now dating?
No matter what you are my wattpad "Bae"
Or bagel as I like to say it.
Yes sir that's a picture of me. You're new bagel
What's your favourite dessert?

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