I heard the amusement in her voice which made me smile .

"You could? But then you wouldn't get the chance to see your man strutting in a speedo?"

That caught all of their attention while I narrowed my eyes at them causing them to roll their eyes and go back to searching for their beach towels .

"You would never!"

Her beautiful laughter filled my ear .

"No I wouldn't , there's a reason I changed my wrestling gear. I got a lot going on down there you know?"

I teased, ignoring the four pairs of eyes on me . While Dean cracked a joke with the twins.

"Oh I know.. It fills me up every... Hey mameee!" I heard her voice change.

"Is dat ya man?" She laughed as I heard a faded voice in the background and I guess she covered the speaker as I just heard muffled voices.

"Where were we?".She asked after I heard her back on the line with me.

"Mmm.. Been telling your mom about me?"

"Yeah what a pain you are with how gorgeous you are!"

I laughed as I knew she was probably rolling her eyes.

"I'm the gorgeous one in the relationship?  Sure baby girl! "

I scoffed.

"It definitely ain't me! " She protested and I knew her mom definitely wasn't there no more.

"Hey,  we're 50/50 " I smiled even though I knew she couldn't see it.

" I guess I should get down there before some other island girl steals my Samoan"

"Wise choice but you know my heart belongs to only one island girl"

"Smooth Mr Anoa'I " I laughed before hanging up and turned to find them all staring at me.

"Oh to be young and in love" Dean said almost singing and I threw him with my tee as I changed into my beach shorts.

"Y'all picked the worst spot on the beach!" I heard her voice behind us and sighed as I took in her body.


I had seen her naked before obviously ,but seriously loved the way she looked in her bikini.

Once she turned around I would most likely be hard all day as I could tell her ass was probably really on for display

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Once she turned around I would most likely be hard all day as I could tell her ass was probably really on for display.

One thing I loved about my baby girl was the way she looked good in every fucking thing she wore and I loved that her hair was all natural and no make-up.

Close To You// Roman Reigns| Rihanna [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now