"Soon, I'm getting to the point really soon... Anyways, have you and Louis discussed the dating situation yet?" This time, instead of saying yes, she said no.

"Actually no, I mean he hasn't asked me out so no we haven't."

Ah ha...

"Well, that's the key. You guys have to discuss the pros and the con's to dating each other. You both have busy lives and obviously a relationship would be very difficult... But if you too communicate then maybe you can make it work!" Finally I made it to the point and I really hope Aspen understands.

Usually, after I give her advice she does... It's just, she's been acting so off it's scaring Me. I understand that this situation we are in is fucking crazy and unbelievable, but it seems like it is getting to her mind.

Aspen is a very special person. She's sweet, funny, caring, a smart ass and broken... She might not show it that much anymore, but four years ago she stook out like a sore thumb. I guess that is why I approached her on open house. Little did I know it was my room mate and future best friend.

I've been there for Aspen at her lows and made enjoyable memories at her highs. In the beginning it was mostly lows, but some how I got Aspen to come out of her shell and taught her how to live life a little. If someone met Aspen for the first time they'd never want to leave since she is so uplifting and down to earth. I'm glad to call her my best friend and sister... Well I wish she was my sister. Logan is a shit of a sister anyways.

Without Aspen, I wouldn't be the person I am today. We have both made a huge impact on each others lives in a good way. I really do love her to death.

"Sarah... Thank you. I guess that makes sense and I will try doing that. Maybe Louis and I can just be really close friends if it doesn't work out?" Aspen said while lifting her head off my shoulder. I nodded my head reassuring her that it was a good idea.

"Yes, of course. I mean look at Niall and I! We are fucking friends like what the actual fuck!?" I said trying to lighten the mood, but all it did was cause Aspen to send me a wink and myself to think about Niall and where he went.

"Naaaarrraaaahhhh!" Aspen dragged out the cringy ship name she gaven us, while standing up and smirking at me. She's a shit head. She knows I hate when she says Narah.

"Be quiet and go talk things over with Mr. Tommo!" I threw back at her with a smile. She smiled too and began to crutch her way to the door of our hotel room. It's crazy to think that we are going to be going to England tomorrow. I haven't been there since I was a little girl.

"Thanks again babe. I love you Sarah," Aspen's low and raspy voice rang through the room. I couldn't help, but smile... Even though we couldn't see each other due too the position of the bed and the door. But I knew she was smiling also.

"You are welcome hun, text me if you need me and I love you too Aspen."

With that, the door slammed shut which just left me and the floor boards. For some odd reason I always end up alone... I don't mind it, but I enjoy the company sometimes.

Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this...

Taking out my phone from my back pocket, I realized I had two new messages that were both from my mom. Oh well this should be fun to read...

Sarah I am not giving you a hundred dollars... But I will look it up to see if you are pulling my toes!!

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