He shrugged.

"But...what about your depression and -"

"You're not what made me happy. Rick did. We started to date after he gave me Artman's house back. He's the reason why I've gotten better. Not you."

"So I'm just nothing to you except a toy in your game?"


"This can't be true! You're not like this!" I didn't believe him. I couldn't.

"I'm a great liar. I've done tons of illegal things that you have no idea about. You were my alibi. You made it so easy for me to do things."

"So you've never loved me?"

"No." No hesitation.

"I can't believe you! How could you do this to me! Everything you did for me was just so I'd fall in love with you?"


"It never occurred to you that if I fell in love with you and then you dumped me then I just might be heart broken?"

"It did, but I didn't care. I really don't care Emerson. You can call me a monster all you want but I don't care."

I just couldn't explain it. My chest was in immense pain and I felt so empty. This pain was excruciating. I loved this man, but I just fell in for his trap. I fell in love with the man he claimed to be, but he's nothing but a monster. They told me Lafayette Jeff was a very powerful man, but I never understood how powerful. It wasn't just his money. He has the power to deceive, the power of lies, the power to persuade. I felt so loved by him, but I know he's loved many people before. I didn't want it to happen. I would've done anything for him. I just wanted to wake up from the nightmare, but it was real. He used me. He didn't love me. We were over.

"You'll care if I tell everyone about all your crimes," I stated. I just needed to wait longer, so he could say it was a joke.

"Do you want to die? Because if you dare say a word about anything I've done then you can expect a bullet in your head."

"What's your problem! You donate so much money but then you use me to get money back?"

"I only donate millions of dollars a few times a year. Here I could get back all the money, plus a little more. I haven't donated a billion dollars. I'd be getting my money back plus more."

"I can't believe this."

"Well you better. Take your things and leave."

"What am I supposed to do!"

"Go back to your parents' house. Find a new guy. Get a new job."

"You think it's that easy? Are you going to give me a damn recommendation?"

"Of course not."

"I've worked here for four years! I don't have a college degree! If I don't have a recommendation then I can't get a good job!"

"Maybe you shouldn't have dropped out of college."

"Maybe you should've taken a few more pills."

He finally really looked at me, square in the eyes. "And if I did that, then this company never would have been born and people wouldn't have been better off. I might have hurt you, but I've saved plenty of other people. What's other people compared to you? You're one person. They're millions of people. Maybe you shouldn't be so selfish."

"You're disgusting."

"I don't care. Take your things and go already."

It wasn't fair. I wanted to say something to hurt him the way he hurt me, but I couldn't. He just didn't care about me. On the other hand, I didn't want to hurt him. I wanted to shake him and have him tell me he was lying. He did love me and he did want to be with me. I wanted him to, but he'd be lying.

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