Chapter 21

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September 4th
Bialyan Desert

Parker groaned as she stood up. Her head pounded like a drum. Everything was brown and yellow. She was clothed in her normal vigilante attire. Her surrounding were even more abnormal as they were not just of the desert. She was in a cage in a large tent. People in white lab coats shuffled around the tent with clipboards, vials, and concentrated looks.

"Hello," said a voice beside her. Turning quickly, Parker saw a strange man with a large head, his brain bursting from his skull. "Psymon cannot access your mind. Why is that?"

A confused look flashed on her face. "Even if I understood the question, why would I answer?"

"Because," the meta argued. "You want to know just as much as I do."

"Maybe I just don't want you in my head." Parker argued.

The freaky man smirked. "No one can resist Psymon." He assured.

The young vigilante decided to keep her mouth shut. The frail, pale man could do little to no bodily damage to her. If her mind was somehow closed off, he held relatively little power. However, the scientists in the tent may have more luck.

A strange noise like the struggling of a human being came from her far left. Her neck craned to see what the commotion was. There, strapped down was Superboy. Pure, animal instincts seemed to dominate his mind, or, rather, what was left of it. What had that telepath done?

Before much thought could be put into it, something was jabbed into the back of her neck. The syringe contained some toxin to knock her out. The initial shock of the needle entering her vein caused a flinch. Then, she fought against the drug. Her eyes begged to shut. Her head wanted to fall. Yet her mind remained vigilant.

"Doctor," a scientist called to the one standing next to her. "She should be out by now."

The one who had injected her frowned. "Take a blood sample. Measure the amount."

Two minutes later, the computer beeped. "The general anesthesia is present in her body, but it's not taking."

"What do you mean it's not taking?" Asked another doctor.

She struggled with an answer. "It may be in her blood stream, but, based on her brain activity, her brain is not registering it."

"How is that possible?" This doctor was obviously the head of this operation. Clearly no one had an answer, and it was up to this man to come up with a solution. "Re-administer." He ordered.

The same scientist filled a syringe and injected Covert with it. The pinching of the needle jolted her senses again. The fact that more of the drug had been administered made her want to stay awake even more. She had to fight with herself to retain consciousness a bit, but she won out eventually.

"Go to hell." She smiled up from under her costume at the scientists.

"Allow me, doctor." The meta human said. He slipped off his hood and gazed into Covert's eyes, almost seemingly through her mask. In an instant, overwhelming pain erupted in her skull. This time, it was shock that knocked her out.


September 4th
The Atlantic Ocean

A familiar green teen stood over Covert, smiling. "How are you feeling?" M'gann asked.

Sitting up, she clutched her head, finding her hood pulled down. "Wh—what happened?"

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