Chapter 7

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March 15th
Gotham City

"Alfred," Batman spoke into the comm.

"We've tried twelve times." Robin crossed his arms. "He must be asleep or something. He is kind of old."

Batman sighed. "I need access to the security system. Can you get in?"

"Not without plugging in somewhere." The Boy Wonder apologized. "But I know someone who could."

"No." The Bat said straight up. "I will not involve her."

"Why not?" His side kick demanded. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind-"

"It's not that." The mentor interrupted. "She had enough to do already."

Robin shrugged. "Maybe. Or maybe the two hour conversation she and I had yesterday about her helping us was just her being friendly."

Batman gave his protege a bat-glare. "You didn't tell me about this."

"Didn't want to bother you." He guessed.

"This is the kind of information I would like to know." Batman picked up a comm device. "I assume she still has the comm you gave her?"

Without wondering how he knew, Robin answered. "Assuming."


March 15th
Wayne Manor

Parker was working, as usual, when her comm beeped. She picked it up and placed it in her ear. "Hello?"

"Batman to Covert, do you copy?" Came the Dark Knight's distinct voice.

"Covert, here, I copy." She smiled as she said it. She felt amazing to be helping with a bat-mission.

"Good. I need you to head down to the Bat Cave." He said. "There's something I need you to do."

She nodded, but then, realizing they couldn't see her, she verbally acknowledged. "All right."

After having lived in the manor for nearly two weeks, she had memorized the layout of the large estate. She flipped back the top of the Shakespeare bust and pressed a few of the buttons. The elevator door revealed itself.

She got in and started going down.

"Are you almost there?" Batman asked.

"No." She answered.

"Please hurry." She could feel his impatience from her end.

Parker defended herself. "Hey, it's not my fault your elevator is as slow as watching grass grow."

"Have patience."

"Back at ya." She muttered.

There was no more chatter until she reached the Bat Cave. She walked into the computer. "I'm there." She announced.

The Bat explained his dilemma. "I need you to pick up on the security feed of First Gotham Bank."

"Got it."

"You'll need to log into the computer-"

"Way ahead of you." She had bypassed the firewall twenty seconds ago. "Give me a sec..." Her fingers flew across the keyboard. "Got it." Sixteen labeled screens appeared. "Now what?"

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