Chapter 11

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April 25th
Wayne Manor

Dick awoke groggily. His head pumped and he felt sore all over. His eyes slowly opened, revealing his crystal eyes to be severely dilated. The amount of drugs they must have poured into him had left him weak and exhausted.

His hands reached for the bridge of his nose in an attempt to rub away the sickly feeling. He then spread his hands across his forehead, a headache setting in.

A hazy memory was brought to the surface. Three blurry faces. Blood. The overwhelming nausea that set in. All in all, not a pleasant memory.

He could make out a figure sitting on an arm chair to the side of his bed. The girl was wrapped in a throw blanket and sipping a bottle of water. "Welcome to the world of the living." Parker greeted.

Attempting to sit up, a sharp pain ripped through his abdomen. Instinct caused him to reach for the wound. A large bandage met his fingers. "How long-"

"A day and a half." She completed. Her eyes remained glued to her computer.

Unsure what to do, he attempted to back up to use the pillows as support. "Thank God it's Sunday."

She raised her eyebrows, agreeing, cocking her head to one side. "Have fun at school tomorrow." Her tone sounded bitter.


"Don't you 'Parker' me." Her eyes flared. She violently shut her laptop and turned to glare at the downed Bird. "You got stabbed, Dick. It wasn't minor or a flesh wound in any way."

Robin bore a confused, inquisitive look. "And that's why you're mad at me?"

The girl sucked in her breath in a deeply annoyed sigh. "You almost died." She crossed her arms, her accusative gaze meeting his. "You lost nearly two liters of blood. Alfred wanted to take you to the hospital."

"But you didn't, thankfully." Dick added as he adjusted his seating again. "That is a lot of blood. How did I-"

"You're lucky I'm O positive." She interrupted. Her blood type could be given to any other type, a fact she was very thankful for. "If I hadn't been there, you would've died."

"Well, thank you, then." He continued to look confusedly at her. "I don't understand why you're mad at me."

Parker sighed again. "I'm not." She turned her head to look directly at him. "I'm mad that you allow yourself to do this sort of thing. You're risking your life, and you're getting severely injured as a result."

Dick groaned, shooting a glare at her. "You sound like Bruce."

"Maybe he's right!"

"Don't you think I've thought about this before? It's my choice what I do, nobody else's. I am Robin. It's part of the job description."

He noticed the dark circles underneath a her eyes. Several wrappers littered the floor around her chair. Since she did not drink coffee, she ate dark chocolate. A pair of headphones hung around her neck. "When was the last time you slept?" He asked.

"I'm fine." Came her short answer. Her head turned away from him. He guessed she did not want him to see just how tired she was.

It was his turn to give a disapproving look. "You need to-"

"Worry about yourself." She ordered. "Then maybe you can start worrying about me. Until then, you have no right." She shook her head. Her exhaustion levels would spike soon, and she would completely lose it. She was on the brink of that precipice.

Silently, Dick gestured for her to sit with him. His left side being wounded, she walked all the way around his bed to sit on the right. He put his arm around her as her head lay on his shoulder.

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