Chapter 1

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March 3rd
St. Moore's Charter School

The headmaster of her school called her into his office. Again. When it comes to the rules and such, she was not the best follower. Her intentions were only to annoy the professors, nothing more. And, in fact, if you look at the official rule book for our school, there is nothing that says what she was doing is against the rules. It may be wrong, but the book does not hand out a specific punishment.

She had read and memorized the rule book cover to cover. She had never disobeyed the rules, except for the time she brought food into her dorm. To her knowledge, she was a very good student.

She knocked on the headmaster's door. "Come in." She heard him say. She entered, expecting to immediately be berated and criticized and yelled at. "What are you going to do with you, Miss Parker?"

She shrugged. "It is your call, headmaster." She admitted. "May I ask what you caught me for?"

"The library cards." He gave me one of his infamous glares.

She suppressed a chuckle. A while ago, she hacked into the library's database and erased the cards of all the students she didn't like, which was a considerable amount. Being the cliche popular group who didn't study at all, they never found out.

"I did that before the holiday season." She said. "All it proves is that they don't study."

"So it was a test?" He asked.

"In a way, yes." She confirmed. "Though I tend to think of it more as an unknowingly-taken trial."

"This was an experiment, then?" He pushed.

She thought a moment. "I guess that is what some would call it." She cocked an eyebrow. "If the shoe fits."

"I suppose." He continued. The headmaster sighed, though she didn't know why. Perhaps it was because he knew more things like this would aspire in the future. Or maybe because he was tired of all the aspirations she had already taken to. "But this is not the only matter I wish to speak with you about." Apparently the answer was an unvoiced third option: he simply had not even begun speaking.

"What else have I done?" She inquired. She mentally brought up all the pranks and tests she had designed as of late that had yet to be discovered. There was only one she remembered: the changed home screen of the headmaster's phone. She had hacked into it on her computer and completely changed the order of apps, settings, and home screen.

"This time, it is not what you have done, but what you have the opportunity to do." He answered. "Miss Parker, what I am going to ask you is of the utmost confidentiality. You must understand that." He slid her a paper. "I'll need you to sign before we proceed." He handed her a pen.

"What exactly am I signing?" She wondered. "It's not that I don't trust you, it's that I like to know what I get myself into before I slap my name on it."

"The only thing this document verifies is secrecy." He promised. "After you sign this paper, you will not be able to discuss anything we speak of from there on out, not to anyone. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." She nodded. She debated for a moment. To simply refuse would be an insult. To sign could mean throwing her life away. Her curiosity, in the end, got the better of her, and she signed.

"Very good." He snatched the paper out from under her pen just as she lifted up the last time. "Beautiful signature, by the way."

She narrowed her brow. "Uh, thanks?"

"To business then." He declared.


"Yes, indeed." He clasped his hands together and rubbed them vigorously. He seemed excited. "Miss Parker, I will turn this over to someone who has been eager to meet you."

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