Chapter 3

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March 3rd
Wayne Manor

A knock at the door. Before Parker could answer, Dick came in. She quickly shut her computer. The action made him stop in his tracks. "Sorry," he apologized.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

"Not exactly." He answered. "I just thought that, well, since you and I are living under the same roof, we should get to know each other."

"Oh?" She asked. "What do you want to know?"

He thought a moment. "Since you know my secret identity, are there any I should know about you?"

She shook her head in complete honesty. "Just Parker."

"Ok." He sat down on her bed. "How old are you?"

"Twelve. You?"

"Thirteen." He smiled. "When is your birthday?"

"June 6th." She replied.

"D-day." He remarked. "I'm December 1st."

"My turn to ask you something, now, neighbor." She joked.

"Ask away."

She didn't know exactly what questions to ask. "What is... uh, your full name?"

"Richard John Dick Grayson." Came his answer. "Now you answer your own question."

"Logan Annalise Parker." She replied.

"My turn, then." He rubbed his hands together as he thought. "What school do you go to?"

"Morales'." She answered.

"Oh." He seemed genuinely surprised, a first. "That raises a lot more questions."

"You can ask." She assured. "I don't mind."

He faltered. "I don't know how to ask without being insensitive."

"You want to know why I'm in foster care." She stated. "No parents. My dad was a top scientist in a nuclear power plant. He was my mom's boss. That's how they met. They died in an accident when I was eight."

His gaze softened a bit. "I know what that's like." He said.

"You got a sob story?"

He nodded. "My parents and I were acrobats." He laughed at the thought of saying it out loud. "During a trapeze act, the wires snapped. They fell to their deaths."

"I'm sorry, Dick." She said. "You've got Bruce, now, right?"

He nodded. "I'm his ward, yeah." He shrugged. "It's not the same, you know?"

Parker's mind strayed back to their conversation. "You were an acrobat?"

"Not a rich life, but a fun one." He defended.

She held up her hands defensively. "No, it's cool. In fact, it's awesome. I'd love to see sometime."

"Maybe you will." He hinted. Dick looked at his watch. "I have homework to do. I should probably get on that."

Parker nodded. "Ok. Have fun." She caught herself. "Well, do it well."

He chuckled. "I will." He left the room.

She remembered her own schoolwork. Did she even have any? She decided for it, as she did not want to get behind. Math was the only thing she was not ahead in, so she worked on that. Her IQ level called for more challenging schoolwork. This year she took Calculus 1.

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