Chapter 4

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March 5th
Hall of Justice

Riding on bikes on either side of the car, Batman and Robin acted as lookouts for the introduction of the League's newest informant. While the public would see her as the brains behind the operations, the privacy of the League would use her as their power base. If someone could get them needed information, she could.

Pulling up in front of the Hall of Justice, the driver exited from his seat and opened the door. Out stepped Miss Logan Parker, genius child prodigy who would know soon know more about the Justice League than its own members. Though, her identity was concealed behind a domino mask.

The police barricade kept the reporters back, some of whom still pushed heavily for an interview.

"How did the League find you?"

"Why should we trust you? You're so young!"

"Do you know the true identity of Superman?"

The bombardment of questions seemed to not faze her. She walked in a straight path, always looking forward. The Dark Knight and Boy Wonder stood on either side of her. She looked up to see two more members watching her from atop the building itself. Green Arrow and Speedy had their bows ready in case anything went wrong. And, of course, the rest of the League was only a call away. Superman hovered out of sight above them, joined by Wonder Woman. The skies would be clear, as well.

Her entrance went without fault, though one over zealous photographer managed to jump over the police line and snap a few extra photos. The man quickly backed down after a stare from the Bat.

Robin stayed outside the building, not yet a full member of the League. Batman was joined by Green Arrow, who had also left his apprentice outside.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Batman said. "Give us a minute to let the press get what they want."

"Okay." She agreed.

The archer walked over to her. "Green Arrow." He shook her hand.

"Logan Parker, Mr. Queen." She smirked.

"How did-" he asked, stuttering. "Did you-" he directed at the Bat.

"No." The Dark Knight said flatly.

"Then you are very right." He admitted. "She is good."

"Perhaps too good." Batman muttered.

Parker glared at the bickering boys. "She is standing right here."

"Right." Arrow composed himself. "I apologize." He tensed. "You can keep a secret, right?"

She smirked. "I memorized the nuclear codes when I was nine." Both of the Leaguers gave each other surprised, slightly worried looks. "I'm joking. Geez." She crossed her arms. "Besides, I will know the identity of every League member by the time we're finished."

"That may not-" Batman was interrupted.

"I have a plan, Bats." She assured. "And that does not mean you have to like it."

The Bat checked his watch. "We can go, now." He nodded to Green Arrow, who ushered Parker into a meeting room where the Justice League was waiting.

Except... it was empty.

The only thing in the room was a large metal tube. Parker raised an eyebrow. "Am I not going to a meeting? Am I being kidnapped?"

Batman ignored the ignorant tween and typed something into a keyboard. "Grant access, Logan Parker, A01. Override Batman, 02." He said.

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