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aarons pov

I have missed her so much,her laugh which seemed to dissapear since the day after our annerversary. Her smile is the same thank god I really cant believe that she excepted me after everything.We sat together that day and I told her everything about what happened and turns out the same guy who was controling me is chris brother and also who killed ari. Toni also caught maya and the others off gaurd whilst they where travleing to red thorn pack and he knocked out cam, jace holly, tea, mason and xaviour. However he tried to grab may and she ran but he caught up and knocked her off her feet she went flying into a treeand got knocked unconciouse.That was when ari and justin went to save her life.

Maya is currently crying on my shoulder,weeping and mourning for the lost of her sister,no one is holding anything against chris because he doesnt know and he doesnt have anything to do with his brother. 

My pack sapposedly hates me for how i treated there luna,but i wasn't myslef  and i didnt know that toni only wanted maya and me to fight so he could cause all this havect. It isnt fare maya and i will settle this with him and make both packs safe.Even if i have to die to save her and the packs.

"sir,i think maya is asleep."i said to maya's father,he hasnt really spocken to me.

"put her down and go get something to eat boy,your looking thin."it was true i havent eaten since maya was in the hospital.I put maya back on the hospital bed and as i was walking out a nurse rushed in and i thought it was because of maya but it wasnt.


chris pov.

Justin was on the phone and i was yelling really loudly and he was in tears and smilling,but then he would yell and ask how could it happen and that he never knew.Im trying to calm him down but he keeps on pushing me away and it hurts.I decide that i will leave him alone so i go to the balcony and sit in the corner and cry because of how much it hurts that he pushed me away,I'm having a mental battle with my wolf where he wants to go to justin and help him  me on the other hand i want to just leave him alone i mean he pushed me away when i wanted to help.

The slamming of a door brought me out of my thoughts.I ran inside to find chris gone and the elvevator door clicking open,I run out the door and to the elevator i pull justin back just as he is about to enter.He growls and stares at me. My already puffy red eyes are now tearing up again.Justin's stare sofens and he pulls me  into a hug.

"babe we need to go i will explain when we get ther.Ok you need to trust me,I'm sorry i pushed you away." He pulled me into the elevator and pushed me up against the wall he started to kiss my neck and then I felt his teeth sink into my soft spot I screamed when it hurt and then it became a firery pleasure shooting through my body.

wait hold up he just marked me.

The elevator door opened and he just left me there shocked with a smirk on his face. I ran up to him and tackled him to the floor and kissed his cheek and then i got up and ran to the velet to get the car.He followed quickly and then when the car came I grabbed the keys and hoped in the drivers seat,but i was pulled out and the seat was replaced by justin. I grumply went to the passenger side.

I leaned over and started to kiss his neck and then i marked him he tried to kiss me but i moved away and gave him the silent treatment,untill we got to the hospital, I was really confused but justin got out of the car and got me out and carried me bridal style to a room decortated with happy colours and babie cribs everywhere, he walked over to a crib with a baby wrapped in blue sheets sleeping soundly.He put me down and grabbed the baby in his hands, he craddled the aby and held him tight to his chest.

"Chris this is my son,the nurses and doctors found a heart beat in ari's stomach and was able to save him.I didnt know she was pregnent he is sevrel months early so he has to stay at the hospital for a while but will you be the father of my child."

 I was confused but i nodded my head and grabbed the baby out of his hands and kissed its forhead.

"He looks just like you,justin what are you going to call him?" Iasked still looking at my new beautiful son.

"Nathan benjimen." hesaid with a smile in his voice.

"It's beautiful,our beautiful son nathan."

He came behind me and hugged me and kissed my cheek. Aaron came in and looked at our son and smiled.

"Hey guys,whats the little felles name?"aaron asked.

"Nathan benjimen" we both said at the same time.

"Well when the nurse ran into maya room i had just put her down and i was freaking out cause i thought it was maya who was hurt.But instead we got told about little nate her"

"Hey dont be calling him by his  nickname already,uncle Aaron." Justin said teasing him.

Aaron was smilling, like he had just won the lottery,we took nate to aunty maya's room and turns out she is pregnet to.(a/n they mated when they got to the pack house, however aaron didnt mark her because it was too soon.)


heya guys,didnt see that coming did ya.nope.




bye kittion minions

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