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  hey guys 2 updates in one day,im so proud of myself,i hope your enjoying my book.



Aarons pov.

After we left school and headed home Maya went straight to her dad’s office to do things, whilst I went to have a shower. i told maya on the way home that i wanted to take her out, so we decided to go  tonight but she doesn’t know where im taking her. Once I was finished I got changed into a pair of my favourite skinny jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt and put a cardigan type jacket over it, I put my black vans on and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, when I reached the kitchen I heard footsteps and then saw Maya storm straight past me and run up the stairs. I didn’t know what to do but I followed her up the stairs and she left her door open. I could tell she was angry about something. I could hear her on the phone just as I was about to walk in i heard her say ‘but dad you didn’t tell me or him’. I stayed where I was and listened to the convosation, it ended really quickly with Maya saying that she agreed to the deal her dad just made with her. I stood up and turned around and went to walk back down the stairs when Maya started to yell my name from in her bedroom, I immediately went to her room to find her lying on her bed ready to cry.

Mayas pov

I had just agreed to tell my mate everything and make sure that I didn’t think about turning down becoming Luna if Aaron took on the role of alpha. But how does one simply tell their mate important news that they don’t really understand, I guess I will just have to try.

After I called his name twice he was in my room and obviously he noticed that I was sad. Yes I was sad and afraid because I didn’t know how Aaron will react to this news, but here it goes.

Aaron’s pov

“Baby what’s wrong? “I ask as I walk over to her and pick her up and place her in my lap.

“Aaron, I need to tell you something promises me you will not angry at me or my father.”

“Why would I be angry at you please just tell me”

She handed me a letter it wasn’t opened, I turned it around and it was addressed to me but there where words that took me of wolf started to jump around because of it saying that we were a alpha.

“Wow Aaron, we are going to be even stronger now that we are alpha of the dark dream pack. “My wolf said with happiness.

I opened the letter and started to read it.

To my dearest son Aaron,

Im so sorry that this is how you are finding out who your real parents are. Hopefully you have met your mate and all I can say is make sure you treat her right, if you have meet your mate im sure you and her will become great alpha and Luna’s to the pack. Your mother died when you were born and that is why you were given away I thought I could not give you the best childhood a family can give their child. But please know that I have watched over you from a distance, I got to hold you in my arms for a month until I finally it came the time where you had to go to a family that could look after you. I made sure that when you turned 18 that the family signed over the adoption papers over to my best friend Derek the alpha of the red thorn rose pack. I wrote this note on the day of your 18th birthday and sent it straight to Derek. I heard he has a daughter maybe you guys are so very sorry that you have to find out this way. You see im dying and the pack doctors said I only had a few days to live so I quickly wrote this note to specifically say that you Aaron chad miller are the new alpha of the dark dream pack, your mother and I are sure you will become a great alpha.

Your mother and I love you so much and are watching down over you.

Love dad.

As I set the note down Maya wrapped her arms me and held me tightly. I can’t believe im the alpha of a pack, I knew that my family who I lived with for 18 years always said that I was destined to rule, but I never believed them. I held onto Maya and started to cry because my parents were dead; Maya could feel my pain and started to coo soft words into my ear. I nestled my head into the crook of her neck and breathed in her sent of vanilla and caramel it instantly calmed me down. Maya hoped of the bed and helped me up she pulled me into the bathroom and pushed me down so I was sitting on the toilet. She grabbed a face washer and ran it under the tap and then came over to me and wiped my face in circles, the warmth from the washer and the sparks from Maya’s skin made me calm down. After she wiped my face she planted soft kisses on my face. I grabbed the face washer and pulled her onto my lap and started to wipe her face she closed her eyes and leaned into me and after I finished I planted soft kisses on her face just like she did but this time I gave her an extra kiss and that was on her soft plumped lips. I caught her off guard and it only took her a while to realise and start kissing me back.

I broke away from the kiss and she pouted, I started to laugh and so did she. She hopped of my lap and started to walk into her room I grabbed her hand and pulled her into me.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Uhm- im going to get changed for our date or did you want to call it off”

“No, we are still going but my wolf doesn’t like it when you walk off after pouting. “It was true right after she walked away my wolf started to beg for me to let it out.

“Ohh, sorry I didn’t know I promise it won’t happen again.”

Good, she should know that we are the alpha so we are incharge”my wolf said coldly.

“Hey stop, just because we are an alpha doesn’t mean I will treat Maya like a normal member of the pack. She can walk away from us is she wants we will not order her around. You got that. “I said in an alpha type voice.

My wolf whimpered and cut of the mind link between us. I didn’t mean to yell at him but sometimes he gets very in control and acts like a spoiled brat and I hate it.

 I was pulled back into reality when I felt Maya tugging me out of her room and closing the door behind me.I went to my room to change my top because it had water on it seeing how I was crying but my jacket was completely untouched. I decided to just lie down on my bed and wait for Maya to come and get me and that’s what I did before sleep took over.

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