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why is it that i feel so weak,why can i hear voices but not see anyone,why do i really want to talk to them and ask them questions but at the same time leave them alone. i wanna yell at them and i want to tear there heads apart.I feel like a bond has been broken but i dont know who with,im confused i feel like i am loved by someone but i dont completly love  them,and then i feel like i love another but they are so distent.

i know for sure that i love someone but they dont love me or there trying not to. I can sense power and that they are trying so hard to pull that power down for someone maybe even the one they actually love.(not me,who could love me).

But i also feel like i love another but not as strong as i love the one with power.i feel like this person loves me in return where as i love them but not to the extenct of the other person.argghhh i think there males and males have issues hence why i never wanted to fall in love but i cant help it.

wait maybe one of the them is my mate but what if its the one i dont love that much?

Im so horrible why cant i die.hang on what happened why cant i open my eyes,i cant move my......


not finished yet :)







nothing i cant move anything and whats that noise why is there a beeping sound and it is getting faster whats happening.

I really need help.

why is it beeping so loud.make it stop.

 I scream at the top of my lungs and finnally my voice breaks through and my eyes open.All i can see is a pure whit light, there are people around me and one of them is holding my hand,touching my face and cooing soft gentle words that i can only hear.I feel a  physical draw and and mental draw towards this person and my head is screaming mate.I can see my dad and all of a sudden i feel a new pressence in my mind and i can see a pure white wolf with black markings,(A/N new colour fur, same eyes) she is beautiful and i love her.

"maya?" My mate says.his voice is so sweet and gentle.

"who are you?" I ask in a crakly voice

"im your mate chris.dont you remeber anything"

i thought through my memories.

"i know thats my dad and now i know your my mate.last thing i remember is waking up in the morning knowing that my dad was bringing home my new step -brother is he here i cant remember him but i want to meet him.please"


so she has lost her memory of  aaron do you think aaron will help her regain it or leave her with no memories of him.

so that's the bonus chapter



follow me :)

i can only feel pain in my heart and my head,i need to stop thinking so much but it is really hard because i dont understand what is wrong with me.

Loving An AlphaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt