ten; maryse and carson

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TEXTS BETWEEN: olivia and jess

jess: have you talked to simon recently???

olivia: calm down jessie.

olivia: he left a while ago.

jess: i'm worried about him :(

olivia: chill. i'll ask clary when i see her.

olivia: and i know you've had the hots for him forever but around me please turn it down a notch.

When she didn't receive a response she smirked and put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. She felt oddly normal after the demon thing. Though she was sure Jace wasn't in a great mood. Isabelle met up with her in the hallway, dressed gorgeously as usual. Their fingers laced together and they walked with smiles.

However bad the party last night had been, she would remember what appeared when it was her turn to give out a memory. The memory was luckily not being mentioned by Isabelle as the blonde felt embarrassed by the whole thing. A boy with tattoos had his arm around her and she had a sardonic smile if that. Yet he was who she loved most according to the memory. Admittedly, she felt bad that Isabelle didn't appear but that was that. No one could control feelings, that was that.

"Isabelle. Dressed to impress, I see. And you've been playing with the family heirlooms." Maryse was strutting in and paused with a raised brow at the sight of the other girl. "And Olivia Heavywood? I thought you left." 

"It's Hamilton. Olivia Hamilton now." She corrected, but nonetheless stood stoically as she was passed by. The only moment her jaw clenched and turned a redder color was when Maryse practically shoved Isabelle, her sweet little Isabelle, out of the way so she could most likely pamper Jace. That was infuriating to her. What was so different between them other than her gender? Jace was far more narcissistic than any of them yet he was greeted with love and warmth. Yet the next person to enter made her eyes widen and the anger to fade off. Carson Heavywood was walking towards her with a smirk. His arms were open for a hug but he didn't receive one. Instead he received a harsh smack to the face which left him dazed.

"Karma," Olivia said dryly, holding a hand out to her brother. He sighed just a little but took it and pulled her into a hug. The blonde stood in his arms, not seeming to react immediately but Isabelle watched the slight slump before she hugged him back. "I missed you, asshole." She muttered into his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." He said, wrapping an arm around her neck before beginning to walk after the Lightwood mother. Isabelle watched them for a moment before finally going after Clary.

"So, broken any hearts recently?" Carson asked calmly, looking over. "I heard from a few people that you're quite the player."

"Oh yeah. I'm such a player that right now I'm trying to maintain a steady relationship in which I have made it clear that we are not in an open relationship and I am not interested in others." She answered mockingly though judging by his unaware look, he didn't pick up. She sighed a little. "No, I'm not a player Carson."

"Oh." He looked somewhat dazed by that but simply smiled charmingly. "Well, my sources have been wrong then." He frowned a little. He had been trying to keep tabs on what she was doing. Maybe he should have a 'talk' with this specific source. 

"I'm sure you will, hun." She said calmly as they walked towards her room. "Why are you and," there was a slight noise of disgust, "Maryse here anyways? She's infuriating with how she treats people! They aren't just objects to throw around and use." Carson simply shrugged.

"I dunno, she's pretty smart." With her back turned to her fragile brother, she rolled her eyes. She would make a smart comment but she needed to keep it in her head. He'd get angry and then Maryse would get angry and Isabelle would get mad at the fact she wasn't being polite.

"I'm glad you're happy with hanging out with her. You seem to really enjoy out in Idris with them." He nodded brightly, sitting on her unmade bed and crossing his legs in an odd way. "I wish you would come and visit more though. I thought you were dead half the time." Carson shrugged before he looked at her nervously.

"Okay, I don't want to freak you out but I kind of met somebody." Her eyes widened at the idea. Her brother? Liking somebody? Improbable. "She's so sweet, I just am kinda nervous to ask her out..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I really like her but I don't know what to do because she's really hard to read."

"What's her name, first of all?" He smiled slightly. For once, Olivia actually felt like she had a connection to him. He was being just as cautious as she was when it came to a relationship, though they had different reasons for doing so. So instead she smiled reassuringly at him.

"It's Lydia. Lydia Branwell." Before she could respond, she heard her phone buzz.

TEXTS BETWEEN: izzy bb girl , my darling liv liv, and alec the living meme

alec the living meme: HELP SOSOSOSOS

izzy bb girl: alec i'm sitting next to you.

alec the living meme: mom's making me uncomfortable liv liv, pls come out here and help me.

alec the living meme: bring carson, she loves him.


izzy bb girl: can you bring me that black jacket you love? i feel self-conscious now that mom's made a big deal out of what i'm wearing.

my darling liv liv: i'm on my way. 

my darling liv liv: without your jacket because you're beautiful as you are and if your own mother is attempting to slut shame you then i will not stand for it. 

my darling liv liv: i will march down there and tell her that she doesn't have to worry about you with any downworlders because the only person you'll be making out with for information is me and you will be my lover and nobody else's because i love you more than anything isabelle lightwood. 


my darling liv liv: carson's here too btw.

izzy bb girl: oke <3



the gif is of the gorgeous carson heavywood. i am debating about writing a story where it focuses on him but i will probably wait until either shadowhunters returns for their second season or (and i haven't really thought about this) after this book ends. i am debating wether i want to make a one shot for my two stories of jess locke and simon lewis as well as this story of isabelle lightwood and of course olivia hamilton. LEAVE COMMENTS PLS AND JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO DO IT! 

-grace (i don't think i've ever signed off with my name, lol)

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