six; what in the hell

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Olivia had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. She huffed, not liking the fact that the mundane couldn't keep his eyes off her Izzy. Even when the girl grabbed her hand, he stared after her with that dopey look. It was honestly sickening. She couldn't even hide the fact that it did, having shot the boy with many retorts throughout the day.

"Brothers creep me out. I'll mind the mundane." It made Olivia's glare on Simon intensify. He couldn't help it but that didn't mean Olivia wasn't blaming his wandering eyes. "Liv?" She looked over.

"I'm not leaving you with geek central." She snapped, arms uncrossing to grab Isabelle's waist. "Plus he couldn't kill a demon if he tried." She shot him one of those sharp teethed smiles.

"I am not going to argue with that anymore." Simon sighed, breaking his stare on Isabelle to look at Olivia. He remembered her, of course he did. She had beat his ass after he found Kirk and Jess in a closet together. Jess was her one true friend, she did what she had to do. "Hey, so Isabelle-"

"Princess, are you doing okay?" Olivia cut off Simon, looking over Isabelle. Her hands had lazily draped over her waist, a smirk toying at her lips. "I'm sorry I let Fray borrow your outfit but you have to admit, it looks okay on her." Isabelle laughed softly, nodding.

"Hey I'm in a band." The two looked over at him, Olivia raising an eyebrow at his grabbing of their attention. "Y-yeah, indie rock and all." Olivia and Isabelle stepped towards him, eyebrows raised.

"Oh?" She bit her lip, raising an eyebrow. "Any music on your phone?" It was Olivia who was interested in it, Isabelle following after. Simon nodded quickly, patting his pockets and frowning slightly.

"I left my phone in the car."

"Let's go get it then." Isabelle input, following the other two as they made their way to the van. She hated to admit the fact that Olivia being jealous of Simon watching was making her feel mushy inside. So instead she covered it with a slight smirk.

"Where is it going?" Alec asked harshly.

"We'll be right back." Olivia smirked. Alec gave her a look. "What? He plays music."

Isabelle walked after them, hands clasped together as she watched them converse. Usually it was Olivia shooting back rude remarks but Simon didn't mind. As he approached the car, Isabelle thought she heard something and turned to look.

"Simon. Put your headphones on, lock the doors and don't you dare let anyone in. Olivia, please stay in with him." Isabelle turned, looking around. Olivia raised an eyebrow, reaching to open the door as Simon locked it. She gave him a look, raising her middle finger before reaching to try and force open the door. She finally looked back, gasping when he wasn't there.

"Simon!" She screamed, grabbing the handle and shaking it angrily. She felt her heartbeat rising, eyes wide as she felt trapped in the car, absolutely scared. Her heartbeat was so fast, tears burning her eyes. She felt cold air hit her face as the door opened and she stumbled out. Isabelle hugged her close and when she felt the pounding beat against her chest, she pulled out of it.

She didn't know what to do for a minute, before she thought about how to make her calm down. She looked over Olivia quickly, finally noticing what she could do. So she grabbed her by the cheeks she had never touched before and kissed her. Not a mistake, not a scared thing to happen, just hope. Their lips moved against one another with ease, the mesh of pink lips touching shocking Alec as he approached.

"What in the hell is this?" He exclaimed not breaking them up, the one thing that did was Olivia needing breath. She opened her eyes that she didn't realize were closed to stare into Isabelle's.

"Where's Simon?" Clary asked from behind them.

The girls didn't answer at first, simply staring at one another with flushed cheeks. Everything was about to change.

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