four; a cute idiot

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TEXTS BETWEEN: princess and liv liv

princess: hey meet me out in the hallway.

liv liv: why

princess: that girl from earlier is here

princess: jace said to give her new clothes.

liv liv: give me a minute

princess: just hurry pls

liv liv: shut up im changing.

A few minutes later Olivia stepped out with a backpack on, though it still showed off her long lanky arms. She smiled, wrapping an arm around Isabelle as the girl led them to a room. When it was opened they spotted Clary still passed out on the bed and they approached somewhat confused. Isabelle got on the bed, leaning forward on Clary's figure.

"Ow!" Clary sat up quickly, hitting heads with Isabelle. Olivia laughed loudly at the two as Isabelle sat back. "Wait I don't know who you-" Isabelle grinned as she cut her off.

"I'm Isabelle Lightwood." She giggled, sitting back. "I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane... or distracted." She looked back at Olivia, motioning her to approach.

"But you did distract us earlier Fray." Clary looked over surprised. "Hi, yeah. Olivia Hamilton but you can call me Olivia." She seemed scared. "Distractions are dangerous in this line of work."

"I have no idea what either of you are talking about." Clary blurted out and Isabelle gave Olivia a slightly confused look. Isabelle got off of the bed, turning to look at her. "Who's Jace?"

"Blondie, kinda acts like a knight but brotherly." Olivia said at the same time Isabelle answered out,

"You really don't know much do you?" The two exchanged a look before looking back at Clary.

"All I know is some psychos took my mother, and now you people have taken me." She sounded exasperated and for a change, Olivia did feel a pang of emotion. The emotion was just pity and then a hint of just anger. It was just a flash but it still agitated her. They wanted to help and Clary was basically accusing them of kidnapping her.

"And by "taken" I assume you mean "saved your life"?" Isabelle grinned with that excited look as a laugh slipped out. She was surprised when Olivia's hands found hers and pulled her to the side. Alec and Jace were entering and she enjoyed annoying Alec with her actions. "W-what're you-"

"Shh." Olivia giggled softly as she looked over at the boys. "Your brothers so into Jace, isn't he?" Isabelle turned pink and nodded with a smirk. "God, I think I can bond with him bout things now!" It didn't register as Olivia approached the two and grinned at Alec.

"What is with you?" Alec said, annoyed. Isabelle snickered as the girls and Alec walked out of the room. "Really, no, what is with him?" He huffed angrily.

"Walk with me, big brother. I'll explain it to you." Isabelle said, giving her a look that said not to bring up what she had said.

"We don't know this girl." He bitterly said. Olivia snorted.

"I do." Isabelle smiled at her, hopefully. "But there aren't any new shadowhunters." Her face fell.

"By the angel you guys! There are now!" Isabelle explained, eyes wide as she waved her hands.

"You don't think that's odd?"

"What I find strange is that you're so upset. Maybe you're upset by the way Jace is looking at her." Isabelle laughed softly, smirking.

"You know, you should be happy that Jace is interested in someone other than himself." Olivia smirked as well, leaning up to whisper to Alec. "Now he will have a new thought at night." It made his jaw tighten in anger but he didn't speak to her.

"Maybe I'm pissed that she's ruined the mission. We never found out who's buying the blood. That was our one job." He then shot a glare at Olivia with annoyance.

"Hey, we tried our best." Olivia struck a cheerleader pose. "A for effort! Go team!" Isabelle laughed and Alec had to force down a smile.

"You're an idiot." Alec huffed. Just like her brother, he thought but didn't dare say it.

"She's a cute idiot." Isabelle argued.

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