three; pandemonium

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TEXTS BETWEEN: jess is the worst and the boobie lover

jess is the worst: olivia what's going on with you

the boobie lover: eh?

the boobie lover: idk nothing???

jess is the worst: ugh can i come see you? my moms being a bitch

the boobie lover: no.

the boobie lover: im in the middle of something.

the boobie lover: gotta go!

jess is the worst: bye

Olivia sighed as she locked her phone and walked towards the exit with Isabelle and Alec. She shoved the phone into her bra, smirking as Isabelle looked away. It was quite fun to make Isabelle flustered so Olivia grabbed her hand and the two girls began to walk together.

Alec gave the two an annoyed look, not liking how Olivia was influencing Isabelle. Yet even he couldn't help but look up to her for being confident for who she was. And how she felt.

He looked down at their hands and surprisingly smiled, loving how comfortable his sister looked with his hands entwined with Olivia's.

"Alec hurry up." She looked back but there was a different look to her. She looked somewhat naive and blissful at his sister's presence. He smiled slightly, jogging up to them and walking in.

The two seemed normal, no runes visible on the twos body. Isabelle wore that damn white wig that was supposed to drive the demons crazy and though Olivia couldn't talk for them but it looked beautiful on her.

Jace joined them as they began to make their way to Pandemonium with smirks. Olivia sported the largest one, looking over at Isabelle. Then she realized something. Isabelle had probably not been to a human club.

"Izzy, princess. When we get in there, stick to me. Don't get lost. If you do there's gonna be a lot of bad people trying to grab your hot body, okay?" Isabelle gave a weird look at how she was being talked too but nodded. Olivia let out a sigh of relief as they reached the walkway.

After a second glance at what seemed like an annoying redhead, she realized it was Clary Fray the friend of Simon from their high school.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" She exclaimed as Jace bumped into her. Alec continued and Isabelle gave Olivia a weird look when she stopped too. "Olivia?"


"Oh." Clary seemed to forget about the confused Jace for a minute. "How's Ni-"

"We don't talk about him." Olivia cut off the innocent girl, knowing that they weren't really friends but they were still on good terms. "I'm gonna go and protect my princess now." She didn't explain further, walking after Isabelle.

The two girls were met with a collection of wolf whistles and a few even called out to talk to Olivia. Olivia glared back, wrapping an arm protectively over Isabelle's hips. She walked with that edge that basically was calling to be flirted with but no one did after the scolding glares she shot people.

The two had everything they needed. As time passed they were there. Clary came in and Olivia glared. They were just getting to her favorite part, the fighting! So she wielded the seraph blade like a pro and took out the demons alongside these three shadowhunters.

"What the hell is going on?" Clary was near tears, holding the blade that had just killed that demon. Olivia rolled her eyes, grabbing the blade.

"It's called life darling. Get used to it." She snapped, shielding the blade and grabbing Isabelle by the wrist. Isabelle seemed indifferent about the mundane as she looked at Olivia. "You did great princess." Isabelle's face pinkened and before anything could be said about how close the girls were, Olivia stepped back and walked towards Jace and Alec.

"I've got a bad feeling about that girl." Jace looked over at where Clary was once standing.

"She's the most mundane girl I've met. Don't spaz about it Wayland." Olivia harshly said. He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. "We went to high school together. Her and her best friend were the coolest geeks of the school." He didn't look like he believed her. "They write graphic novels. Her best friend got beaten up almost monthly." Alec snorted, grinning at his parabatai.

"By you?"

"No, I was busy failing tests and making out in supply closets." He chuckled.

"I'm gonna go take a walk." Jace said, walking past the two out to the actual club. Isabelle watched him with an annoyed expression.

"Cool. Let's go then." Isabelle approached, wrapping her arms around her brother and her best friend. "The institute will be happy to know that we took care of the problem." She looked at her brother.

"Smile, Alec. It looks nice on you." Olivia said, smirking slightly. He gave her an odd look but it didn't overtake the grin that covered his face.

"We did good."

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