"i know i know" he replied gently rocking me side to side. "stop crying please" he pushed me away a little so he can see my face "look i am here, your friends are here to help you getting along with your life. We love you as our own. We wont let anything to happen to you. Trust us even grumpy old neil" he said flashing his dashing smile at me.

I chuckled quitely "thanks jeremy and i think this is a first and last serious thing you will ever said to me"

He ran his hand through his already messy hair "yeah it was hard to be so serious but i am glad that you are smiling" he said "but all the credit goes to me! Yupee score one for me and zero for neil" he fist pumped the air.

I frowned at him "neil?" i asked.

"yeah you never know" he said winking and draping an arm over my shoulder. We began walking to my room.

"what do you mean-" i was saying but he cut me off "so i am planning of throwing a movie night tomorrow night because neil is throwing his movie night at the night of the ball and i am gonna beat him to that" he rubbed his hands with a mischievious stupid grin on his face. He stopped suddenly and looked at me "you are going to welcome ball right?" he asked.

"i dont think so jeremy" i mumbled. I clearly was not in the mood of going to any ball or any party soon.

"hey you need to enjoy your life. Tom would never want you to neglect all your fun beacuse of him. He would love to see you happy and enjoying your life with your friends think what he would have said if he was here" he said locking his gaze with me.

I imagined tom saying the same thing to enjoy my life. He always wanted me to be happy even when i am sad. I clutched the locket he gave me and promised myself never to losecit ever.

I opened my door and entered in my room. I looked at jeremy who was looking at me with questioning eyes. "i will think about it but i am not sure"

His eyes lit up "yeah take your time the ball is next thursday so you have plenty of time besides you dont want your dress to be of no use" he said.

I smiled at him" goodnight jeremy"

"goodnight ju. Take care!" he said with this he turned away and marched off to his room. By marched off i really mean marched off like a soldier of an army. He really crack me up just like john.

I closed my door and walked in. I saw my dress in the cover placed at my bed. I picked it up, it was really beautiful. I was planning to invite tom to be my date at the ball. But i guess i have to go alone IF i want to go to the ball. I will talk to sash and john about it.

I hanged the dress in my dressing room and walked to the bathroom. After changing and a relaxing bath. I trudged towards my bed, i heared someone stopped outside my room. I waited for it to knock but whoever it was didnt knock it but went away and after a minute i heared a soft opening and closing of door beside my room which was no doubt neil. I wonder what he wanted from me. I shrugged and climbed in the warm bed with the picture of tom. I clutched it to my chest. Tears were pouring out of my eyes. A soft sob left my lips. I dont know for how long i cry by laying there. After a while i let myself fall in the darkness of sleep praying that i might see tom in my dream.


"miss trevesco" i heared the the art teacher say behind my painting, which was turning more and more into toms face. I could not pay attention to any of my class the whole day. I turned to one side and saw my teacher. She was standing beside a grim looking man with highly muscled body. He looked like a street fighter.

"yes mam" i replied.

"sir hugo is calling for you" she said.

I remembered that i told travis that i have to see hugo and he told me that i could see him tomorrow. I put my paints and paint brushes down. And walked towards the mam. I locked gaze with neil who looked worried. I smiled at him assuringly. And walked out following the grim man. He lead me out of the school and towards a private block which i think is the private offices of the professors. Students are not allowed to go there.

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