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She didn't know

How she found herself there

Crumbling over the sharp cement

Scrambling across

The road

Her eyes intent

On the big green sign

She must have fallen

At least a few hundred times

The thought

Of being away

Forcing her on

She entered

The station

In her ragged, tattered dress

With cracked, bleeding lips

And fingers

That groped around

In her pocket

For the few dollars

That would save her life

She fished it out

Holding it out

To the saddened, wizened gaze

Of the short, old man

Who sat, punching computer keys

He handed a gleaming white slip

Back to her

And she gazed at it

So much

And so long

They had to pull her

To the other side

And let the other passengers

Buy their tickets

The large, smoke spitting body

Pulled out of the station

Roaring on

Steaming hard

In fiery puffs



Away from the memories

She thought

She could escape

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