And she knew.

30 5 2

Her hair

Flew behind her

Whirling around her head


Snagged at her numb hands

As she pushed past

Tripping over

Endless stacks

Of twigs

Cracked, and withered

Just like her bleeding palm

Blood slashed down her arm

Gleaming red

Trickling down her skin

The burnt grass

Nibbled at her ankles

The towering weeds


Her bare, bare feet

She stopped

A sparkling flicker

In her bloodshot eyes

Her feet skid to a stop

The dirt around her

Twirled into the air

The leaves smacking

Against her legs

The trees groaned

Under the weight

Of their heavy branches

And the wind, was quiet

Motionless, still


Of her thoughts

She stopped

And suddenly,

She knew.

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