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She smashed her body

Here and there


To get rid

Of the feeling

Of the digging fingernails

She placed her hands

Over her ears


As the insults

Clouded her brain

She was tired

Of the words

That hurt her more

Than the wounds they gave her

She fought it



Of the battle

She'd been

Fighting alone

Fighting desperately

Her eyes narrowed

Breath rapid

The battle she was fighting

Suffocating her

Trapping her

In a tiny glass jar

That she found herself

Captured in

She pushed

And she slammed

Her fists on

The glass

Isolating her

From the world outside

Lost in her own bubble

Of sadness

But it stood still

The walls strong

Holding her


She longed

For her wings

To be released

To be unleashed

To be free

From her battle of pain

She wished she could be free.

The GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora