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She's left alone

In a world of darkness

Trapped in her own


Left to face

Her darkest fears

She can't think straight

Her eyes blur with tears

She's helpless

She's powerless

She's defenseless

Just a pawn

In their wicked games

That they always win

She let them take

All that she had left

She was sick of it all

Tired of fighting back

They used her

They broke her

They ruined her

They tore apart

Every bit of courage

She had left

They left her

Thrashing around endlessly

In her bed

Wide awake

Her head spinning

Her tears streaming

Her screams tortures

Her cries desperate

It happened again and again

The same sickly sweet smiles

The same cruel laughter

The same crimes

Committed again

And again

Until she closed her eyes

Until she let it go

Until she lost control

Everything rushed upon her

Like a wave

Every moment

Ever memory

She let herself fall

She let herself drift away

And stop fighting

She surrendered herself

To the nightmares

Once again.

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