She smiled

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Her eyes danced

Sparkling in the shadows

Twinkling brightly

Lighting up her face in the darkness

She laughed

Spreading out her arms

Twirling around in her brand new dress

Her hair flew

Her cheeks flushing a rosy red

Flooding warmth into her shining face


The next second, it was all gone

Vanishing within a split second

Merging with the darkness

That dark, suffocating sheet of blackness

It wrapped itself tightly around her

And she felt herself struggling for breath

She felt herself drifting away

But she stopped herself just in time

She tried to hold her head high

And she smiled

She might have been crying from the inside

She might have been torn

Ripped apart, burnt inside out

She might have been broken

But she smiled

She smiled on

She never stopped

Her eyes bright

Her voice merry

She might cry herself to sleep

Every single night

She might sob into the pillow

Her hair, a wild tangled mess

Her eyes red and puffy

Tears flooding down her cheeks

But she smiled

She smiled on

Neglecting herself

For others sake

Pushing aside

Her worries, her anger

She might've been exhausted

She might've been tired of it all

Head spinning, eyes watering

She might've been alone

She might've been deserted

She might've been devastated

She might've been broken

From the inside, and out

But she smiled

She smiled on

She tried.

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