She danced.

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She ran across

The soft, white sand

Her cheeks flushing

A rosy shade of red

She raced through

The rippling ocean waves

Rushing about her ankles

A cheerful laugh

Erupted from her delicate lips

Her eyes shining

With joy

She spun around

In the rumbling, tumbling waves

Giggling softly

As her dress

Flew around her

Swirled around her

Like a vibrant curtain

Trailing behind her

Ripples moving through

Her feet danced

Dancing to the rhythm

Of the rumbling, tumbling waves

She was free

She was unleashed

From all the sorrow

She might have held

Unaware of the seagulls flying

Uncaring of the people watching

Unafraid of the looks they gave her

Surrounded by

Her big, bright bubble

Of happiness

Of peace

Of bliss

Her hands twirled

Creating waves in the air

She closed her eyes

And smiled

A big, bright smile

That could light up

Just about anything

Full of content

Full of delight

And she danced.

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