Away from the pain

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Her lips parted

With shock

As she glanced behind her

As she felt the familiar sensation

Of panic build up

Deep inside of her

Her eyes widened

And she shook her head

Her arms

Falling limp to her side

She sank into the muddy ground

Placing her hands

Over her head

Forcing herself

To move on

She raced through the woods

Her movements slow, jerky

Her feet slip clumsily

On pieces of jagged stone

Stumbling across the slippery grass

Her fear of the nightmares

Of the awful flashbacks

Slowing her down

Wind whipped at her hair

Blurring her vision

She ran away

From the voices that haunted her

Every day in her sleep

Her eyes fierce

Her eyes wild

She muffled a scream

The cruel, raging words

Still fresh in her mind

She clung onto

Her muddy dress

Hanging in dirty tatters

Around her frail body

Chest heaving

They were chasing her

Chasing her, just like they did in her dreams

Chasing her, just like the demons in her dreams

Just like they jeered at her

Every time she walked

Her legs gave away

She fell to the ground

She remembered the hands poking

And the hands prodding

Punching her skin

Flashes raced through her mind

The voices grow louder

The insults grew harsher

The yells more threatening

Chasing her

Chasing her, just like the demons in her dreams

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