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She thought,

Her breath

Escaping her lips

In short, puffy bursts

Pirouetting into

The frosty air

Her feet slapped the pavement

The street ahead of her

Blinking with lights


Save a few hurtling cars

That breezed through the air

Like light, free feathers

She wrapped her shivering arms

Around her

Wishing for a second

That she could feel

The luxury

Of freedom

She dragged her feet

Down the street

Her eyes wild

Her head ducked low

They stared at her

Huddled up

In office coats

In winter boots

With skeptical glances

And sympathetic eyes

Disgust and curiosity

Splattered across

Their blank faces

Steering their children away

From the crazy-eyed girl

She willed herself

To ignore

Their seething glances

For in their eyes

She saw a coolness

That she saw

In the ones

Who haunted her nightmares

She fell to the floor

With a resounding crash

She sucked in a breath

Clutching the brick wall

Her knuckles white

A sign loomed

In front

Of her hazy vision

Train Station. 8 miles.

She outstretched her hand

Staggering to her feet

Nodding furiously

Away, she thought.

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