Another Tag Challenge

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I got tagged by my girl SwaggyBieber96

Rules :

• You have to write down the rules

• You have the answer the questions then make your own 13 questions

•You have to complete this in 7 days

•Once you have done this you have to tag 13 people or more

• You have to mention who tagged you.

•You can tag by the person who tagged you.


1) Favorite TV series?

Game of Thrones 🙏🙏🙌🙌

2) Favorite actor/actress?

I loooovvvveee Leonardo DiCaprio ❤❤

3) Favorite song ATM?

Moonlight by Ariana Grande 🌙

4) What is something that pisses you off?

When some tries to throw their attitude at me. I'm a humble person but if you gon get that attitude out then m gon bring that bitch out of her cage. 🔪

5) Instagram or Twitter

Both but I'm more on an Instagrammer (@shanparkar)

6) Most embarrassing moment?

I liked this guy in 6th grade and all my friends told me that he too has a crush on me so I told him and got rejected 🙈🙈

7) Top 3 emojies?


8) One thing you want to do in life?

Travel around the world and find someone who loves and accepts me with all that I'm.

9) Do you have any pets? If so what are they?

Sadly , no but I really want a pup

10) What is your favorite thing to do?

Sing 😊😊

11) Have you ever broken a bone?

Thankfully no!

12) Would you ever get a plastic surgery?

No. At a point I really wanted to get my lips done when I'm a little more older. But then I had this 'figuring myself out' phase and I realized that god has made me the way I'm because I'm meant to be different and I accepted myself the way I'm and everyone should.

13) What is your favorite kinda Justin Bieber Fan fiction to read?

The ones where he's a CEO and the main character is his assistant or something (now y'all.know why homeboy is a business man in most of my stories) 😳😳

My questions for you

1) Celebrity crush?

2) Top 5 songs rn

3) Your top 5 favorite stories on wattpad?

4) Your favorite book (like real ones)

5) Where do you live?

6) Your biggest ambition in life?

7) Have you ever met Justin?

8) Opinion on Selena Gomez (Don't be afraid to say the truth remember you can have your opinion)

9) Your favorite hobby?

10) Favorite food? (Lmao I'm lame)

11) Have you ever been to a Beyonce concert? If yes, please tell me how it was.

12) What are you scared of the most?

13) Do you have some kinda kink? If yes then what? 😂😂

I tag:



I tagged the most random people. I need to get more social on wattpad smh

-Love, S

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