XIII Ocean Eyes

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Song of the chapter: 'Ocean Eyes' by Billie Elish

No fair

You really know how to make me cry

When you gimme those ocean eyes

I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes


"Justin, man you need to sto-

"Tell me, did she say that she misses me?" I slurred, not being able to roll my tongue right due to being so drunk as I cut off Fredo who was trying to stop me from drinking my fourth mug of beer.

"I told you she does right? Now stop" He said but I shook my head.

"She must be mad at me......I stopped calling her suddenly and it's been a week since I returned from my honeymoon and I still haven't gone to see her. Tell me the truth, she's really really pissed at me right?" I said, my voice softening eventually.

He smiled sadly and shook his head.

"It's Sandra we're talking about Jay, she understands you better than anyone else in this world, she knows that you're trying to stay loyal towards Sierra. She misses you a lot though" He said and I started crying like a baby for the millionth time tonight.

"I-I miss her too..." I said.

"She knows that Justin.....she does, you can go see her anytime, it's your choice, but she will never try to interfere in your life again, she'll be there for you whenever you need her, trust me" He said and I sniffled.

"Then I need her now, I want to see her!" I said and tried to stand up but stumbled and Fredo helped me.

"It's like 1 am right now Justin and you're drunk" He said.

"I don't care, I want to see her, right away" I said and started rushing out of the bar and stumbling on every step.

"Alright, alright slow down!" Fredo said and guided me to the car.

He helped me sit in the shotgun seat and I sighed. I've had enough of staying away from her, I need to admit the fact that I'm not capable of staying away from her for so long.

Fredo sat in the driver's seat and started driving to Sandra's place and my impatience grew.

"Drive faster" I said,

"If I go any faster, we'll get pulled up" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Chicken" I mumbled under my breath.

Minutes later, we reached there and I almost ran out of the car but stumbled and fell down.

"I told you to slow down!" He said and helped me up and then we got into the elevator.

"Hey elevator...." I said and Fredo looked at me weird.

"Are you sane?" He asked.

"Shut up, this elevator, is a friend, me and Sandra have let it witness human sexual foreplay for free for a lot of times" I said and he made a gaging sound.

"Gosh, didn't even leave the damn elevator....." He said and shook his head.

So many memories rushed back, this elevator has seen me and Sandra making out so much that thinking about it made my body tingle and cheeks to flush.

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