Chapter 32- Natasha Ford

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Author's note: Sheep- Sorry it took me this long to write. These past three days have been very packed for me. Oh well, here it is! Oh! You might wanna know how Christine looks like... >>>>>>> P.S. Her hair actually is brown but due to the lighting it appears to be red. But whatever, imagine it anyway that you like! Enjoy!!

Chapter 32- Natasha Ford


It’s Tuesday and you know what that means… No training! Well, there’s a history test two days from now. I guess I should begin studying for it.

I decided I wasn’t going to meet up with Erica and Victoria. I shall use my lunchtime to study for this test and what better place to study in than the library?

I took my history textbook from my locker and headed to the library.

I took a seat nearest to the window, as I like to daydream as I study and the best way to daydream is to look out the window.

Okay, I’m going to study and master this chapter by today. Nothing is going to distract me. Okay, Avery, you can do this. One chapter ain’t difficult.

I took a deep breath and flipped to the chapter I was going to study.

About 30 minutes into studying, I heard a giggle coming from the front. I looked up and turned my head slightly to the right. My heart stopped. There, sitting diagonally on my right, was Sophie. She was seated with two other girls, one of them who I recognize to be Dakota.

Wait, what? Dakota knows her? You’ve got to be kidding me. How could they know each other? As far as I’m concerned, Sophie’s in hockey and Dakota is in band, unless they’re classmates? That can’t be. Dakota has every class with me except music. But I doubt Sophie takes music. OR DOES SHE? That would be quite weird because Sophie doesn’t look like a music person. Oh well, you know what they say, looks can be deceiving.

Sigh… My mind slowly drifted off.

I looked towards Sophie and I saw that she has stood up and turned towards me. She began walking towards my direction. Oh gosh, she’s walking here! Just then, she placed her hands on the table and looked at me in the eye, “Hey beautiful,” she smiled, “I like you, Avery.”


My heart raced and I broke out into cold sweat. My hands started to become clammy. I laughed to myself. Then I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Indeed they were. All eyes were on me. I looked to where Sophie was standing but she was no longer there. I looked to the table diagonally across and Sophie was sitting there, talking to Dakota and Tracy as if nothing happened. Or maybe, nothing really did happened…

Great. I’m imagining things.

Oh well, I guess I’ll enjoy the rest of my afternoon ‘studying’ in the library and just admiring Sophie from afar.



I opened my eyes and groaned. I looked at my phone. I got a text message from Tracy.

“Hey, Dakota and I was wondering if you’d like to join us after school at the library to do homework?” it read.

I know they just want me there to ask me questions but who could turn down my buddies?

I replied, “Yeah, sure.”

Since I could finish my homework up in a jiffy, I decided to bring some of my extra curriculum books along to study.

After school, I met up with Dakota and Tracy in the library. We took our seats and started work.

As expected, Dakota and Tracy asked me questions on math. I helped them and apparently one of the answers to the particular equation was 13. My mind wandered off to number 13.

“Hey man. You okay?” Dakota asked as she waved her hand in front of me.

“Yeah, something bothering you?” Tracy questioned.

“Uh, nothing. I was just thinking of the quarterfinals,” I turned to Dakota, “I don’t remember seeing you there. Did you watch the match?”

Dakota briefly nodded her head.

“I thought the match was rather well played. Everyone was so focused.” I commented.

They both agreed with me.

Would any of they know number 13? I decided to ask while we’re still on the topic.

My throat went dry. I cleared my throat and asked, “Say, does any of you happen to know who the person playing number 13 is?”

“Nope, I didn’t pay attention to how number 13 looked like.” Dakota replied.

I had to admit I was rather saddened but Tracy interjected, “Oh number 13! Yeah I know her. She’s Natasha Ford, a junior.”

I stared at her in astonishment, “You know her?”

Tracy shook her head, “Nah, I’m just friends with her on Facebook. She’s with Christine Smith.”

Wait, with? What does she mean by with? Natasha’s a lesbian? Worse, she’s attached with this Christine girl?

“Who?” I asked.

“You know, Christine. Number 12?” Tracy retorted.

In that moment, jealousy consumed me. Why is this always happening to me? I was going green with envy. What’s so great about Christine? Christine Smith, huh? She’d better watch out. If she dares to hurt Natasha, she’d better be ready to face me.

But how is this possible? How can Natasha go for a girl like Christine? Am I not better than Christine? I’ll show her. I’ll get Natasha. Just you wait, Christine, you had better keep her close and watch over her like a hawk because you’ll never know when she’ll leave you, especially with me around.

This Friday would be the semifinals. Let’s just see how ‘great’ Christine is.

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