Chapter 11- The Concert

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Author's note: Sheep- Finally this is out! Find out about B5 here! :P Not my best chapter but here ya go! Hope you enjoy it! 

Chapter 11- The Concert


Finally, the day I’ve been looking forward to- Katy Perry’s concert with Victoria! It was around 5pm and I woke up from my nap. When I glanced over to my alarm clock, it read 5.07pm. SHIT! I jumped out of bed, changed and drove over to Victoria’s house.

It was quite a distance from my house to hers. When I got there, it was 5.52pm. Okay, I was early. I waited outside for quite awhile and just when I was about to call her, the car door opened.

“Oh hey,” I greeted.

“HEY! I’m so excited for today! Thanks for inviting me!” Victoria squealed in delight.

“Don’t mention it. Uh, how about we go grab dinner first?” I asked.

She nodded her head and we drove off to Carl’s Jr. I had the biggest appetite ever. I have no idea why I’m like this today. I ate two burgers, three large fries and two large cokes. Now she’s going to think I’m a glutton. Great…

Victoria stared at me and asked, “Judging from how you eat, aren’t you suppose to be fat?”

I laughed, “I would be if it wasn’t for basketball.”

“Oh, I see,” she continued, “I’m just curious, but how did B5 came about?”

Hmm… Should I tell her? Am I allowed to tell her? What would Andrea think? Wait, aren’t I the leader? Yeah, that’s right. I’m the leader and that means I can do whatever I want.

“From the beginning?” I asked, hesitantly.

“From the beginning.” She nodded.

I cleared my throat, “It all started from Andrea. When Michelle and I were freshmen, Andrea was already notorious. Others feared her. Not only do students in McKinley High know her, students from other neighboring schools know her too. No one dared to oppose her or let alone, look at her in the eye. I didn't know how she became like that. She was never one to reveal her past. The only person I know who is really close with her is Sophie. Anyway, one day Michelle and I caught her fighting by herself against guys. She was a good fighter but she was clearly outnumbered. At that time, Michelle and I already knew how to fight, so we backed her up. Even though it was just three of us against seven guys, we took them down. That was how powerful we were. Hey, Michelle's Muay Thai really paid off okay.”

I paused to take a sip of coke; “Andrea was impressed with our fighting skills and asked for our names. The next day at lunch, we saw her sitting alone, so we sat with her. Andrea tried driving us away, but in the end, she allowed us to sit with her. She asked us if we wanted to form a gang. The thought of being in an actual gang excited us and because Andrea already had connections, we'd be formidable. So we both agreed. At that point in time, we only had three members so therefore we called ourselves B3. From there, we started building our reputation. Slowly, more students became aware of us. As time go by and well, if you're in an all girls' school, things started to go... Not so straight. If you get what I mean.”

I paused again but this time to check if Victoria was listening to me. She nodded her head, signaling me to continue, “As time passed by, we came across Fiona and she seemed pretty cool. We found out that she has a group of biker friends. Knowing she has back up, we have invited her and she accepted. Just recently over winter break, Andrea introduced a new girl to us. She was smallest among us but she has a really sharp tongue. According to Andrea, she said that she met Sophie through her parents. Sophie was the daughter of her parents’ good friends. She went to Sophie’s house one day and she was early and Sophie was still having tuition in her room. She crept up to her room and overheard Sophie criticizing the teacher. The teacher said that she was never coming back here again. Sophie sort of noticed that Andrea was there and told her that it was her 25th tutor. Andrea thought since she was rather good with her words and that Sophie was already in her final year of middle school, she invited her to our gang. She’ll be included in our gang the moment she join McKinley. Rumors got around McKinley and they were already expecting a new member at the beginning of the year. Anyway, since we had five members, we decided to change our name to B5. So that’s how B5 came to be. I'm sure if another one comes along, it'll become B6. But it'll sound weird so I guess we might change our gang name.” I laughed hesitantly.

I looked to Victoria again and she asked, “So, if it was Andrea who started with B5, why are you the leader?”

I sighed, “One weekend, we met up and Andrea said we needed a leader. All of us voted Andrea and but she rejected and chose me instead. Reason was that she thought I was a natural leader. Although I am the leader, all of us look up to Andrea, as she’s the most senior. This is why if there’s anything Andrea needs us for, we’ll be there for her.”

I looked at my watch, “Oh hey, we got to leave now.”

She nodded and we left for the concert.

The area was so packed. We waited for a few minutes and the lights went off. Everyone started cheering and Victoria was screaming her lungs out. ‘Last Friday Night’ began and we started singing along.

We were halfway though the concert, when I heard Victoria kept saying ‘No’. I turned to see a drunken man grabbing her arm asking her to dance along with him. I looked to the man and called, “Hey!” When he looked to me, I punched him in the face. He fell to the ground and scooted off.

“Thanks.” Victoria smiled.

The concert finally ended and we walked towards the car, and I drove her home.

On the way home, Victoria asked if we could play 20 questions.

“Alright, but you start.” I agreed.

“Hmmm… What are your favorite kinds of books?” She asked.

I gave it a little thought and answered, “Crime and mystery, yours?”


She asked a couple more questions before we reached her driveway. She got out of the car and thanked me for the ride home before running into her house.

I smiled to myself, I feel that I have more chemistry with her than any other girl besides Michelle but on a whole different level. Oh well, too bad she's a junior. General rule of thumb for B5, we do not date freshmen.


Hmmm… Andrea seems pretty interesting… I wonder what she looks like. Is she generally a nice person in B5? I doubt so. What sport or club is she in? She just seems so cool. Her name just makes me want to know more about her. Well, it's not like I'm interested in her or anything like that. I'm just curious. A girl can be curious, right?

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