12. Epilogue: Forever.

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A/N: It's been a long time, I know and I'm sorry. But, its finally the epilogue. This was really hard to write, and I hope y'all love it!

I know that it's quite short, but I literally have no idea how to end this, i hope it suffices!

sequel on my page, its called Sincerely, With Love!

~Hunter xx.


Louis POV

If someone would have told me a few years ago that I would be saved by the love of my life I would have laughed in their face. The way that Harry changed my life I am grateful to the fullest potential in any way possible. The way that Harry had first treated me when we first starting dating were all new to me, and it still is.

He treats me like I’m the only person in the world, besides him of course, and sometimes it does get annoying, but then I realize that he is just doing this because he never wants to lose me. But, I feel the same way because I don’t know how I will survive if I were to ever lose him.

After the incident with finding out who was sending the letters, I didn’t hold the grudge against him for a long time because I couldn’t stay mad at him. I don’t think that I will ever be mad at him for a long time because I don’t think I would be able to deal with all of the arguments; I don’t like it when people argue, it makes me sad.

The past few years have been going great, for the most part, and I wouldn’t change a thing about it. I know you are all probably thinking that I shouldn’t have gone into this relationship as fast as I did, but just think what Harry had done to help me. If it wasn’t for him then I wouldn’t be alive today. I thought about it, before I had met Harry, and I wasn’t feeling like living anymore.  But, you all know how that ended. I’m still here, aren’t I?

Anyways, the way that Harry had changed my life from the moment we met from now, I wouldn’t really change anything about it. I’m glad that everything had changed for the better because I really wouldn’t know how I would have survived without all of his help.

Speaking of Harry, the whole time I’ve been talking to you, he’s fast asleep on the pillow right next to me. I on the other hand, am sitting up against the headboard thinking. Sometimes I don’t like how my mind drifts off to places that I never want it to be. But, then there are other times that my mind drifts to where I want it to be more often.

I move down on the bed and I turn my body facing Harry. I take my hand and I thread it through his hair, in response he nuzzles his head into my palm. He moves his head up and I look into the just woken up green eyes, and I lean forward to kiss him softly.

“Lou, it’s like 4am, why are you awake?”

“I don’t know, I just can’t sleep. And before you ask I’m not horny, I just literally can’t sleep.”

“I wasn’t even going to."

I crossed my arms and cocked an eyebrow, “Yeah sure.”

Harry turns over and puts a leg on each side of mine. He sits back and this would feel uncomfortable, but his bum is sitting directly on my growing arousal (I know he’s doing this on purpose.)

“How about now?” He asks as he moves his bum over my cock and I stifled out a moan as I felt my cock harden.


“I know you love it because I want to ride you,” He leant down and whispered the last few words into my ear like it was the biggest secret in the world.

“Really? You told me that you would never let me.”

“Well things have changed,” He slipped off his boxers and then mine. He moves himself in between my legs and starts to grind his hips against mine. He captures my lips with his and I feel like I’m in heaven.

I reach for the lube blindly and I figured he would have wanted me to open him up, but no he grabs it and sits back, “Watch me, I want you to beg for it.”

He opens up the bottle and pours a generous amount onto his fingers. He circles around his entrance before he shoves two of his fingers directly into himself. The moan that came out of his mouth made me shoot my hand to wrap around my hardened cock.

“Louis…fuck…so good.”

As soon as he started to rock himself on four of his fingers I knew he was ready, I didn’t even have to beg for it. He takes out his fingers and lubes my cock up. He straddles my hips and he quickly penetrates himself. The feeling was euphoric compared to having him inside of me. It felt tight and warm, it was amazing. Once he started to bounce onto my cock, I lost it. I grabbed his hips and started to thrust up into him.

“Lou, I’m gonna…” Harry doesn’t even finished his sentence as he cums untouched and the way that he tightened around me in a few short thrusts I came deep inside of Harry. I fall back to the pillows as Harry slowly eases himself off my now softened cock.

He slumps onto my chest and he looks up to me, “Is that really how it feels?”

“Pretty much.”


“Lou?” I heard Harry’s voice coming from downstairs.

“Coming!” I got out of bed and I walked down the stairs. I met Harry in the living room and I had a box with holes, “What is it?”

He sets it down and opens the box to where I can’t look in. I watch as he pulls out a little tiny fur ball. The little one uncurls itself to show itself as little puppy. I smiled widely and I approached the two carefully and the little puppy looks up to me. Harry carefully puts it into my arms and he instantly cuddles into my arms.

“This is a little Pomeranian husky, I went to the shelter to get a cat and this little one caught my eye. She came right up to the gate and put her paw up to my hand. I fell for her hard.”

“She’s so precious. What should we name her?”

“How about Hope?” At the sound of Hope, she wags her little tail and licks at my face. 

“Hope, are you excited to be part of our family?” She licks my face once again in response. Harry wraps his arms around my waist and sets his chin onto my shoulder. 

“So, the question is, are you ready for us?”

“I always will be and I can’t wait for our forever." 

“Me either. I’ll love you always,”

“And forever.”

And we sealed it with a soft kiss on our lips. 

Sincerely Yours, C- Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now