1. I Need to Fix Him.

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 A/N: I guess this is officially started, i really love this plot and i want to get it started.

Dedicated to: @CheyanneRocksBananas 


~Hunter xx.



Louis POV

I didn’t have such a great morning. My mother woke me up banging on my door, she was drunk, and she managed to break down the door. She kicked me in my stomach all because I forgot to buy her alcohol. I guess she still doesn’t realize that I am not even old enough to. I waited until I heard the purr of her car far away I got up, carefully and went to see the damage.

You see I bruise very easily and the slightest bang will bruise instantly. I walked into my bathroom and I lifted up my shirt. A bruise spreading from the bottom of my stomach to the middle of my ribs was now visible. I bring my handup to it and I slightly touch it. Once the pads of my fingers brushed over it, I winced from the tenderness. I mentally groaned I just hope they don’t touch me today; I’m just not in the mood.

I change into my normal bland outfits and head down stairs.

I skip breakfast, I never really eat and when I do I always throw it. No one likes my body, so why should I? I have dropped pound by pound and no one even cares. So if they don’t care, I guess I shouldn’t. But, I really wish someone would.

I put my hood over my head and I walk quietly to school. Once I reach the steps I look up to see my tormentors. Shit, I really don’t want to start this early. I step quietly down and I almost fall on someone.

“Whoa, steady there…” I look to where the voice is coming from and it’s Harry. He lets me go and I straighten up, “What’s wrong?” I just turn my head and he follows my eyes.

“Ohh, I see…well let’s walk in together.” He pulls the hood off from my head and grabs my hand. When we go by my tormentors, they look at us with confused looks and I heard Keith say, “What the fuck is Styles doing with the faggot?” I didn’t want to hear what else they had to say so I shunned out the rest.

Harry pulled me all the way to my locker, wait how does he know where my locker is?

Anyways, he stands right by my side as I go into my locker to retrieve my books. I lean down carefully so he wouldn’t notice my pain. But, when I straightened myself up I must have stretched too much, and I buckled over in pain.

“Lou, what’s wrong?” Harry asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s nothing, I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not fine. Let me see,” He lifts up my hoody slightly and his eyes go wide, and I look down. The bruise isn’t black and blue; it has some sort of red tint to it. Shit, this doesn’t look good, “What happened?”

“I fell down the stairs,” I replied as he brushed his hands over it, “Don’t touch it.” I swat his hand away, and I pull it back down before the hall starts to get crowded.

“Lou, you need to get it checked out, that doesn’t look right.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not; bruises aren’t supposed to be red.”

“I don’t want anyone to find out.”

“Find out what.”

“Err, nothing…” Just as Harry was about to say something, the tormentors came right to us.

Sincerely Yours, C- Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now