3. Who Thinks I Am Perfect?

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A/N: Hello!

So, sorry for the late update!

& before you ask, I am definitely not depressed. I am far from it.


~Hunter xx.



Louis POV

The letter I received went through my mind throughout the day.

Who thinks I am perfect?

I’m nothing close to perfect. My voice is too high, my eyes are too blue, and my ass should be on a women’s body. I’m a walking train wreck.

No one ever in my life has ever told me that they think I am perfect. I really hope this isn’t a joke.

I was sitting in lunch and all of these possibilities of who this could be was running through my mind. I look all around the room and try to see who it could be.

My eyes trail to certain people.

Zayn Malik, no he’s completely straight.

Niall Horan doesn’t even know I exist.

Liam Payne has a girlfriend and sort of doesn’t like me.

Harry Styles, he could be sending these letters, right? I really wonder if he is.

But then my eyes trail to Keith, he looks up and winks while smirking. Well, my appetite was just ruined.

My eyes steer clear from everyone else, and I bring them back to my hands that were sitting on my lap. I reached into my bag and pulled out the very last letter I received.

You’re my kind of PERFECT.

That kept going on in my head, perfect, I’m perfect in someone’s eyes.

As I was trying to see if I could decipher who this handwriting was when it was snatched out of my hand.

“Ohh it looks like Lou has a secret lover.”

I just sit and stare at my hands, “Give it back, please.”

“Why should I?” Keith grabs me arm and makes me look into his eyes, “No one should be saying these things because they are the biggest lies ever. You’re far from perfect. A faggot is not perfect.”

“Keith, now didn’t I warn you to stay away from him?” My head snaps up and I see Harry looking at Keith with his arms folded across his chest.

“Not now Styles, I’m dealing with him, you can leave.”

“Nope, I don’t think so. Now give him his note and leave him the hell alone, or else.”

“Or else what? I could easily tell everyone your secret, your deepest darkest secret.”

I hear a loud chuckle, and I turn my head to Harry, “Really you’re going to pull that card on me, or should I announce to everyone what I caught you and someone doing in the locker room the other day, now would we?” I looked and saw a crowd around us, great more eyes on me. I turn back to Keith and he hasn’t said anything, he’s just speechless.

Keith opens his mouth, but closes it again. His friends backing away, they probably don’t even know what is going on.

“What’s the matter, cat got your tongue?” Harry said as he stepped forward grabbed the note from Keith’s hand and walks back over to me. He slips the note into my hand and pulls me to his side. Keith looks around; I guess that hit a nerve. He stomps away and then the crowd starts clapping.

Sincerely Yours, C- Larry AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang