16. Let it Snow

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16. Let it Snow

"Uh, these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves," Iris walked in with a tray of mugs

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"Uh, these ornaments are not gonna hang themselves," Iris walked in with a tray of mugs. It's that time of the year where the temperature drops to below freezing and many people die of frostbite.

It's Christmas.

A month and a half have passed and the snow started to fall hard. Joe and Barry started decorating the tree while Iris and I made some hot chocolate for everyone.

"Mm-hmm," Barry hummed in delight, a small smile on his far.

"Grandma Esther's recipe... Light on the bourbon," I handed Joe and Barry a mug each before taking one for myself, leaving Iris with the last mug and the tray.

"I always loved her definition of light," Joe joked referring to the very full mug of hot cocoa. Iris and I chuckled at the irony.

"And the Christmas tradition continues," Joe placed his mug on a coffee table before answering his ringing phone. "Detective West. Yeah?... All right."

He ended the call and sighed, "Sorry, kids, the D.A. wants to ask me some questions."

He grabbed his jacket. "Make sure there's some nog left for me when I get back."

"No promises," I said before moaning in delight. Joe went out the door before Iris grabbed both Barry's and my right hands before pulling us to the floor near the tree.

"What's happening?" I asked curiously. I was forced to set down my mug on the coffee table.

"Come on!"

"We're doing this already? Christmas isn't until tomorrow," Barry laughed at her cheerful behavior.

"I couldn't wait any longer," The excitement was practically glowing off her skin.

"Here you go," Barry gave Iris a small box.

Iris opened the box with a gasp. "My mother's wedding band?"

"A replica, yeah. You were devastated when you lost the real one," Barry explained with a goofy smile. He got her a golden ring that hung on a golden chain.

Barry gestured for Iris to turn around, when she did, he put the necklace on her. "Our fifth-grade field trip..." Iris remembered.

"To the zoo," Barry remembered. "You cried for weeks. You remembered."

Iris said, "I don't know what to say. My gift so sucks in comparison..."

Barry opened his gift, "It's supposed to be the best one on the market. I thought you could maybe use a new one. It's lame, I know."

Iris got him a sciency-microscope thing. It looked very expensive.

"No, no, this is great. I love it," Barry thanked Iris.

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