10. Nutella is the solution to everything

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10. Nutella is the solution to everything

They are a few things I have learned since I've moved to Central City

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They are a few things I have learned since I've moved to Central City. One of them was to never and I mean never give Iris West the spare key to your house or this might happen.

"Wake up! Dani! Daniella Tamsin Queen! Wake the fu–" Iris jumped up and down on my queen size bed.

"I'm up! Now will you explain why you are here at–" I picked up my phone and press the lock button, "5:30 am! Iris what the fu–"

"Okay, potty mouth. Up you get! We are going to take the photo for the new article I'm gonna post," she got off my bed and grabbed my phone out of my hand.

"Iris, you are crazy. Goodbye," I said before I pulled the duvet over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

"Don't make me do it."

"I'm going to sleep and there is nothing you can do about it. Hear that N-O-T-H-I–" I was interrupted by my duvet covers being ripped away from me and the feeling of ice cold water poured on my head.

I shot Iris a deadly glare, "Run."

An hour and a half later, Iris and I were on one of the tallest building in Central City at 6:00 am with two cups of coffee and Iris with a bruised arm.

"You didn't have to punch me," Iris gritted out bitterly.

"Oh but I did," I retorted, shutting my left eye and looking through the viewfinder. I slowly panned the camera, waiting for the perfect shot. The sun came out setting the sky right. I gasped at the breathtaking sight and took the shot.

"Oh my God, Iris! This shot is perfect!" I jumped up and down in excitement. I removed the strap and showed her the photo. The photo doesn't even look like it needs editing.

"Wow, Dani that looks amazing. You have real talent. With my kick-ass article and your brilliant photography, we should be out there. So... I was thinking we should maybe... I don't know sign our names in the article?"

My eyes widened in fear, "I don't know about that... Barry said we shouldn't write about him–"

"Barry said it's dangerous, I know, but something impossible is happening in Central City and the Barry I knew would be looking into it as deep as he can. The new Barry doesn't want anything to do with it. We need to do this for ourselves," she handed me my coffee cup, "Think about it. Okay?"

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