Chapter 2 - When We Were Young (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

I carefully and slowly made my way up the steps, hoping to prolong the inevitable as long as possible. In the back of my head, since the moment I received Johnny's email about his engagement, I knew this moment was going to come. Eventually, I was going to have to face him, I was didn't know if I was going to be able to handle it. I made myself believe I could, but the closer the moment got, the more my anxiety and fear began to rise.

After finally sucking in all the air that my lungs could take, I made my through the grand doors, my eyes scanning the sea of people. I kept an eye out for anyone familiar, but before I could find anyone, I head my name being called. I looked in that general direction, surprised by the lack of blond hair.

"Niall," I let out, still processing that brunet sprouting from his head, another reality check that life still went on without me. Not that I expected it to stop, but it was still a shock.

He let go of Sam, wrapping me up in his arms. "Glad you made it, Sloan."

"Me too," I offered a last back rub before letting him go, hoping he didn't notice my flinch at the name.

"No, I mean, Louis and I had a bet. He was sure you'd flake and I was positive you'd show. Or at least pop in," he shrugged, adding a small smile.

I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood, and I appreciated it. "Well, glad I could help grow those pockets, I'll be waiting for my cut," I mentioned as Sam began to pull me away.

"John's been asking for you," she explained her rush, leading me deeper into the house where the actual celebration seemed to be taking place.

I noticed a few familiar faces, most of them old family friends, barely realizing that my mom might also be here along with the rest of the family. As much as I knew Johnny couldn't stand my mother either, he always tried to incorporate every aspect of Robbie's life into every major event.

"Is Odie here?" I found myself asking, hoping both, that she was here and that she decided to skip out on tonight's events. I missed her terribly, but I don't think I'm ready for the millions of questions she's sure to ask.

"Um, yeah," Sam's answer seemed kinda awkward and evasive, with just two simple words. "She's somewhere on the dance floor, let's go see the happy couple first," she continued to usher me, with a bit of pep in here step.

As we approached them, I was surprised by how Gemma quickly let go of John's arm, taking the few strides to meet me, her arms pulling me into a hug only she and her mother knew how to give. I felt myself melt a little, some of the anxiety I was feeling beginning to flee. I half expected her to kick me out, especially after what I did to her brother.

"I'm glad you made it," she sighed, finally letting me go, Johnny right behind her, seemingly waiting his turn.

"Alright, back off, she's my sister, you have your own siblings," he playfully nudged her away, wrapping me up in another hug. "Thank you," he whispered with a more serious tone. "You okay?" He asked, releasing me, holding me at arms length.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine," I assured him.

As he let me go, I was met by another face I didn't expect to be so friendly, Anne's. I honestly hadn't expected to see here tonight, which was a stupid idea in itself. Of course she'd be here, she was Gemma's mother. Any, normal mother would be here for their daughter on such an important evening.

"We've missed you," she greeted, kissing my cheek before she gave me my fourth hug of the night. Like, Gemma's, it was warm, welcoming, and completely undeserving. "You look, well," she smiled, also holding me at arms length, looking over me as if she was inspecting, looking for anything that may be wrong. But, it didn't feel judgy. It wasn't a Sarah type of inspection, that much I knew.

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