4- Lovino's Date?!

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Antonio's POV

  I knew now that I had feelings for Lovi, I was just worried that he didn't have feelings for me. I didn't want to be rejected, because I've seen Francis and Gilbert get rejected and be down in the dumps.

  Lovi was the best thing to happen to me since my chance of being able to go to angel college in America. Ah, but alas, Lovi was super important so I decided on asking him out in the morning before all his classes. I can't believe Lovino decided to go with 3 majors just like me. I am taking music, literature, and choir. I really want to be a music teacher. I had one class today, but I decided that I would do something like Lovi did yesterday.

 "Ah! Bastard I'm up! Make breakfast for me, will you?" He yawned. Oh my! He looked so cute in the morning! "Lovi, I already MADE you breakfast. Now rise and shine sleepyhead!" "Grazie... Tomato bastard." He said.
He slowly trudged out of bed. He yawned once again, and sneezed. He reached for the tissues, and knocked them off his bedside table.

"Crap." He muttered. I reached down and picked up the box and gave it to them. He blew his nose, and got out of bed. He shooed me out of the room to get dressed. When I didn't move as fast as he wanted me to, he shoved me out the door with his wings. I face palmed, I should have not let myself get shoved out the door.

After he finished getting dressed. He flew out loudly and grabbed breakfast and ate quickly before he said something without even thinking while he grabbed his bags to leave.

"Love you bastard." He blushed as red as a tomato as he realized what he said. He flew out of the door faster than a rocket. I blushed red and packed up my bags for later. I ate my breakfast peacefully until I heard the door open and slam shut. Lovi walked in face still red as a tomato, and I had a confused look on my face.

"Today was a holiday..." He sighed. He walked out of the entryway in defeat and threw his bags down without care. He walked back to our shared room and slamed the door.
  After a while I stood up and walked over to the door. The door wasn't locked so I walked in and saw Lovi curled under a large Italian flag blanket. I heard crying and, I was worried.

I pulled off the blanket, careful of his wings, and saw his face. It was stained with tears.

"Lovi, why are you crying? You didn't do anything wrong. I love you too." I said.

He looked at me with a sad smile, which even though I've only known Lovi for a little bit, it was rare.
  He did something unexpected, he pulled me into a hug. I let him cry his tears on my shoulder, and I kissed his forehead.
  "What's wrong Lovi? I still didn't get an answer." He looked at me with sad eyes and pulled up his phone and opened his messages. It read:
I'm sorry to inform you Lovino Vargas, but your relative Romulus Vargas has died. His funeral will be held in Rome, Italy. Sorry for your loss.

I knew now what was wrong, his grandpa had died. He loved his grandpa, and his grandpa paid for Lovi's college.

"Lovi, let's go do something together. It will help take your mind off the pain, if you want I'll even make you paella for dinner and churros for dessert."

Cliffhanger! Until the next chapter! Arrivederci!

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