6- German Potatoes

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I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating this story as much as some people would like. Thanks to everyone who has liked, commented, or both!

Italy POV

     I stretched my wings lightly, careful to not wake up Luddy. Wah~! He's so peaceful and cute when he's asleep! His normally slicked-back hair is tusseled from a night of tossing and turning trying to get out of my arms. Or so he always complains. He looks like Holy Rome, but it can't be him.

     It's around 9 and Luddy is still asleep. We had training until late last night, but I never expected to wake up before him.

     A soft buzzing sound is heard from my bed table, it's my phone. Please don't wake Luddy up phone! I quickly hug Luddy and pretend to be asleep. My phone quickly stops beeping and a quick 'pop' tells me that they left a voicemail. Luddy shifts in his sleep, but thankfully doesn't wake up.

     I grab my phone and I walk out our shared bedroom, closing the door softly. I see that it was a call from Lovino. Hm, he usually never calls unless something is up. I shrug it off, and decided to call him back.

   *Ring ring*


     Ve~ Lovi, is there any reason why you called me earlier?

    Sí. Feliciano, something bad has happened.

     Lovi usually never calls me by my full name.. What's wrong?

    Lovi? What happened? Please Lovi, I have to know!

    Feliciano, Nonno died.

My heart stopped. Nonno died? What happened? Oh god, what am I going to do? I loved my Nonna and Nonno more than anything in the world. Lossing Nonna was horrible, but knowing that I lost both has beaten me.

     My phone slips out of my hand and drops to the floor. Lovi is yelling through the phone, asking me if I'm okay but I can't hear it. A few minutes later, my phone is silent, and another beep shows that Lovi has hung up. My knees give out, and I crash to the floor. My sobs wrack my body, and soon all my tears are gone, and I'm just sitting on the ground sobbing.

    One word repeats itself in my head. Why? Why did Nonno die? Why is the world so cruel?

     Luddy comes out of the bedroom tiredly, then recognizes me on the floor and comforts me. Why is he so caring?

    Waking up early and crying have exhausted me, and I soon pass out in Luddy's comforting arms...

Fin! :)

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