2- Antonio's Deal

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Alright, so I'm thinking about continuing a little bit more. Because it would be a shame to stop a story people like/liked. Anyways, enjoy the story!
Antonio's POV
Lovino seemed nice. He was really cute when he got mad. He's making dinner, so I might as well unpack my stuff. I was halfway done with my unpacking when I realized that Lovi hadn't finished his. I walked over to his bag, and I saw he had a lot of clothes left. They were all thrown into the bag, and I decided I would fold and put away his clothes.

After I put away some very stylish and expensive pants and a few pairs of socks, I saw a t-shirt that made me laugh a little. It had tomatoes on it and it said 'Hasta la pasta bastards!' I was laughing but luckily Lovi didn't hear me. Under that shirt, there was a diary that had stickers of tomatoes on it. I loved tomatoes too, so we had something in common. Anyways, I opened it up to one of the pages and tried to read it. It was in Italian, so I brought out my handy laptop and typed in the words. The page read 'Sono così sconvolto che altri angeli che io sia mio fratello. Odio così tanto . Non voglio essere conosciuto come l'ombra di mio fratello , voglio essere conosciuto come me.' (I used translate here, so tell me if it's wrong.) I typed it in and it read 'I'm so upset the other angels think I'm my brother. I hate them so much. I don't want to be known as my brother's shadow,I want to be known as myself.' Wow. Lovino is tired of being in his brother's shadow. I closed my laptop, not wanting to read anymore of his diary today. And put his diary back in his suitcase as I unpacked the rest of his stuff. As I was finishing Lovi walked into the room talking.

"Oi! Bastard I made food, go ahead and eat....." He stopped talking as he looked at me holding a pair of his underwear. (He he, underwear)"CHIGI!!!" He shouted loudly. "WHY ARE YOU HOLDING MY hmrmgh!" I put my hand over his mouth.
"Ssh! I was finishing putting away your clothes since you were making dinner for me." I explained, and took my hand off his mouth.

"Well it's an invasion of privacy!" He retorted. He seemed to calm down after he headbutted me and a little bit of time. But he still was red, like a tomato. "W-w-what part did you read of it?" He stuttered.

"I, uh, read the part about you being in the shadow of your brother. Nothing more, I swear!" I sweatdropped. He sighed slapped me on the arm and said "Well food's ready, it would be a shame to waste it. Let's eat bastard." I mentally sighed thanked Lovi's mood at the moment for me to not have been beaten up, and agreed. Dinner was eaten mostly in silent until I spoke up.

"So you like tomatoes? I could tell by the tomato stickers and your-" "OKAY, THAT'S IT." He yelled. I looked scaredly over at him. "Y-y-you saw my underwear, and to make it even, tell me an embarrassing story about you, you bastard!" He said blushing.

"I have an even better idea. How about I take you on a date after one of your classes next week?" He blushed so much, and he finally said a very quiet yes and added a 'bastard'. I really think I'm falling in love with Lovi after only knowing him for a day.

Feel free to give me feedback and/or vote! Later till next time!

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