It was a few days before Christmas when I woke up alone, like usual, and had a present waiting for me. It was sitting at the end of the bed, neatly wrapped, with a card sitting on the box. I first opened the present to reveal a beautiful winter coat. It was a dark purple with big buttons on the front. Super cute. Then I opened the card. It read:

"Sorry I've been such an ass lately. The company almost went under. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to worry you, but we're fine now. Love, Faye."

I smiled and tried the coat on. I was only wearing my shorts and it came to about the same length as them. It was a trench coat, so I buttoned it up and tied it. I went out into the office. Lafayette was sitting at his desk, and once he saw me he smiled, something I had missed seeing. He turned and pulled me onto his lap. "Morning," he greeted, kissing me.

"Morning," I replied.

"The coat looks great on you."

"Thank you," I said kissing him again.

He sighed and looked at me. "I hate to do this, Emmy, but I have to go to London."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brow.

"My grandfather passed away and he lives in London."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. I only met him a few times. I'm leaving later tonight and I'll be gone for a few days."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Maybe visit your family and friends. Think about me. Call me. We could easily have phone sex."

I laughed, kind of wanting to. "Okay." I sighed, too. "Are you gonna be back for Christmas?"

He looked at me with a sad smile, answering my question. "Unfortunately I won't be."

I pouted, and cried a little. I wanted my boyfriend to be with me at all times, but especially on Christmas.

"Don't cry. We have plenty more Christmases to spend together."

"I know, but I want you to be at every Christmas."

"You'll be fine." He scooped me into his arms and stood up, carrying me. "Let's take the day off okay?"


We basically only made love all day, before he had to go, to make up for the time he would be gone.

"I got you an early birthday present," I told him, smiling.

"And what is that?"

"Well, since you refuse to have a cellular device, I wasn't sure how to get it for you, but then I remembered you had an iPod. I got you a new app."

He walked over to his dresser where his iPod was at. He clicked it on and scrolled through his apps. "Snapchat?"

"I'm going to send you a lot of dick pics."

We both laughed, him walking back over to me. "You better send me a video of you in the tub."

"I will. You'll be getting a lot of stuff from me. I snap Alisha pictures of you all the time."

"I just thought you were taking random photos of me for your own use."

I laughed, shrugging. " Sometimes I do."

He looked over at me and crushed his lips against mine. "I need to get ready to go."

"I know."

He got dressed and only packed one bag. I gave him one last blow job before he left and then drove him to the airport. We said our goodbyes and I drove back to the flat. I packed a few pairs of clothes and decided I'd just go to my parents' house now. I drove there in Lafayette's corvette and trotted up to the door. I walked in shouting, "MOM! DAD! I'm home!"

The Boss [LGBT]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon