The Scarf (FIRST Scout x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Goddamn it. Heh. Looks like this is gonna be more of a challenge than I thought. Well..." Scout adjusted his scarf and got ready to run. "Challenge accepted."

He took off after the scarf. The scarf flew off down the street, and Scout almost seemed to be flying down the street himself. His breathing quickened, as well as his heart beat. People gasped and jumped out of Scout's way. The buildings and people went by in a blur as Scout charged on. He could smell coffee and fresh baked pie as he sprinted past the coffee shop and bakery. He kept his eyes on the (f/c) scarf. Since his eyes were on the scarf, he didn't notice the person walking across his path, and crashed right into the guy. They both slammed to the ground, but Scout landed on top of the guy.

"HEY!" The man shouted. Scout scrambled up to his feet.

"Sorry, gotta run!"

[A/N Feel free to replay the little song I linked for comedic value ^-^] He took off again, ignoring the fact that after that fall it became a bit difficult to breath. His face felt frozen from the chilly wind, his eyes watered a little. He ignored it as he chased the scarf. He was gaining on it. He reached out to grab it, smiling like a maniac, when he suddenly tripped. Scout grunted as he tumbled forward. He felt a rush of adrenaline as he rolled into the street, past a few parked cars. His face got scratched up, but luckily his clothes kept the rest of him safe. He finally stopped on his face, his toes nearly touching the back of his head before his legs flopped back down.

Scout grunted as he picked himself up with shaky arms. He yelled out as a car suddenly drove right past his face, barely missing him. It honked and Scout quickly crawled backwards, panting heavily. He got up off the ground and dusted himself off. How could that scarf possibly travel so far in the wind? Scout shook off his thoughts and looked ahead. The scarf had landed in a tree just across the street. Scout smiled. He could finally get that scarf.

He looked both ways, and once two cars passed he jogged across the street. His face still stung, but he didn't care. He jogged over to the tree. He tried to reach the scarf, but to no avail. He groaned and grabbed onto a low branch. He hoisted himself up, and climbed over to the scarf. Finally, after all of that, after almost getting hit by cars, tripping and falling on his face, nearly trampling people, he could get the scarf and give it to the beautiful girl with (e/c) eyes. He reached out to grab it... but the scarf seemed to be snatched out of the tree by something, shaking the branch he was on.

"Whoa whoa whoa! AHHH!" Unable to keep his balance, Scout fell off the branch, and hit the ground on his shoulder. It nearly knocked the wind from him, so his chest hurt as well as his shoulder. It felt like getting shot. "OH MY GOD! OW!"

Scout winced and sat up. He rubbed his aching shoulder. Scout quickly opened his eyes though and looked around for the scarf. He ignored the pain. He spotted the (f/c) scarf... but it was floating! Scout scowled and tried to snatch the scarf, but it quickly moved out of the way. Scout growled and adjusted his hat on his head.

"Alright. Das it." [A/N Play the new music!]

Scout started furiously running around trying to snatch the scarf out of the air, but against all physics it would move out of the way. Ignoring the insaneness of the situation, he continued trying to grab the scarf. He started running in circles as the scarf spun around. He ran around trees, jumped over bushes, all throughout the damn park! People watched, completely stunned because to them it looked like some crazed psychopath chasing after a magic scarf. A homeless guy with a bottle beer stared with wide eyes on his bench. He rubbed his eyes with his gloved hands. He then looked at the bottle in one of his hands, and quickly tossed it behind him.

Team Fortress 2 x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now