Chapter 6

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WARNING!: This chapter has one death, and blood in it at the end. 

I Didn't want to kill a popular cat, one that I liked, So I just made up a one time use cat :D

Again: This story is written. I Did NOT make up warrior cats. Credit to Erin hunter for making the books Warriors and all their wonderful series.                                                              

                                                                     Chapter 6

Pebblepaw struggled in the dogs grip. She turned and slashed the dog... And then,

She felt water smash into her. The dog losened its grip on her neck and it turned into terrified yelps as the dogs fell into the water.

Pebblepaw shot awake. She looked around the den. She was still in the den the apprentices den. She heard Splashfur calling to her. 

She walked out of the apprentices den up to Splashfur. "We are going to do your second last hunting assessment today." Meowed Splashfur. 

Pebblepaw bounced a little. "When do we start?" Asked Pebblepaw. "We will start... Now. Report back to camp at sunset." Replied Splashfur. Pebblepaw nodded and took off.

Once outside camp, she scented the air for prey. She decided to hunt near the old twoleg nest. There would be lots of mice there. 

She walked around brambles and bushes and soon, finally reached the old twoleg nest. She crept silently into the nest and heard a mouse somewhere. She located it near the corner. 

Pebblepaw crept behind its back. She kept low to the ground, and then pounced landing on it, killing it before it could cry out. Then she located another mouse. She crouched down creeping towards it and leap leaped.

She landed on the mouse, snapping its spine and killing it before it screeched or cried out. 

She carried the two mice in her jaws outside the twoleg nest. She dug a hole and barried the two mice in it for later. She trotted off in the direction of the Shadowclan border.

 The quickly picked up the scent of vole. She crept towards the scent, and soon spotted a vole. 

She slowly stalked towards it and pounced. The vole shot away just Pebblepaw caught up to it quickly. 

She pounced infront of the vole, making it turn but it wasn't fast enough, Pebblepaw slammed her paw down on top of the vole, snapping its spine. She dug a hole and barried the vole. 

She licked her chest proudly, before walking up to the stream with the Shadowclan border.

She lapped at the water and scented a crow. She crouched down on all her four paws, and slowly crept towards the crow. She set each paw down lightly. This was a plump crow! She could not miss this one!!

When she was close enough to the crow, she leaped. The crow dectected her and unfolded its wings, but Pebblepaw was too fast. She killed the crow with a swift bite to the neck. She picked up the crow and carried it to where her other catches where barried.


By now the sun was going down and Splashfur expected her to be back in camp soon. She walked towards the Shadowclan border with her two squirrels, she stopped beside earth that was dug up. She dropped her squirrels beside the hole and pulled out her other prey. She had caught 2 squirrels, 1 crow, 2 voles and two mice. She picked up her catches and trotted into camp. 

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