Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Pebblestream journeyed home the next night. Her four kits stumbled at her paws, trailing tirelessly. Rabbitkit leaped in the air, catching a butterfly, and her other four kits rolled around at her paws.

"Com'on kits. We are almost there." Meowed Pebblestream. Pebblestream approached the waters edge. She looked at the stream leap. "Ohh! Can we jump acros-" Rabbitkit's question was cut off as Pebblestream grabbed her scruff, and leaped across setting her on the other side. "Stay here." Pebblestream meowed to Rabbitkit, then leaped across the stream before she could reply.

Then, She grabbed Volekit. She leaped across the stream and placed Volekit beside Rabbitkit, Before leaping back across the stream. Then, She scooped up Dovekit in her jaws and leaped across the stream. She placed Dovekit beside the others. Finally, She leaped across the stream to get Mousekit. She picked Mousekit up, Leaped across the stream and placed Mousekit down. She heard Rustling in the bushes. She spun around her fur on end, then relaxed as a night patrol made their way through, with Dewfoot leading (That old tom's finally mentioned... XD) a patrol of four more cats, Blizzardclaw, her apprentice Brackenpaw, Mossfeather and Talonclaw. "Would you like us to help carry your kits back to camp?" Asked Dewfoot. "Oh I think they can-" She stopped as she turned her head towards her kits, they all had fell asleep in a small pile. "Sure. That would be great." Replied Pebblestream. 

Mossfeather, had stayed at the back of the patrol glaring at Pebblestream. Pebblestream rolled her eyes at her. Obiously, Mossfeather wasn't going to offer to carry one of her kits. Pebblestream trotted forward, and picked up Rabbitkit. Dewfoot, Blizzardpaw and Talonclaw got the others.

The patrol trotted through the undergrowth, no one spoke at all. Their eyes all had been fixed on the darkness ahead. Pebblestream headed into the camp, following by the rest of the patrol. Talonclaw, Blizzardclaw, Dewfoot all placed the kits in one nest.

As they exited the nursery, Pebblestream placed Rabbitkit in her nest.

Pebblestream curled around the bodys of her little kits. Her eyes felt drowsy with sleep. For the first time she realized, She noticed Mistyheart sleeping across the nursery from her. 'Wow! She had kits! Now I won't be alone anymore in here...' She drowily yawned and closed her eyes to let sleep come.

She woke up to a tiny paw prodding her in the side. She lifted her head sleepily up. "Mom? Mom???" Where are we?" Asked the tiny voice she reconized as Rabbitkit. "We are home. We are in the Thunderclan camp." Answered Pebblestream.

"Are we? Who's that???" Chirped Dovekit bounding up to her. Thats Mistyheart and her kit." Answered Pebblestream. As if she had summonded Mistyheart, She woke up.  

"Pebblestream! Your back!" She exclaimed. "Yes I am back." Purred Pebblestream. 

"This is Emberkit. She was born a moon ago." Purred Mistyheart licking Emberkit awake. "Go play with Pebblestream's kits honey." Meowed Mistyheart. Pebblestream pulled a scrap of moss out of her nest and rolled it into a ball. "Lets play who can catch the moss ball first." Meowed Pebblestream and flung the moss ball into the middle of the hollow. All the kits squealed and chased after it. Pebblestream started purring with amusement. 

________________________________ (Owlhearts POV)

Owlheart scented the air for prey. She easily tracked down a squirrel. He leaped and killed the squirrel, and barryed it. There was movement above his head he looked up and saw a crow. She clambered his way up the tree and onto the branch the crow was sitting on.

A couple more steps... Then... Now! Owlheart flung himself forward landing next to the bird. The bird unfolded its wings really fast. Owlheart cut off its alarm call by taking a bite to its neck to finish it off. He jumped down and dug up the squirrel he caught. She picked up both pieces of his prey and headed back to camp. 

Owlheart put his kills on the kill pile. He gazed around the clearing. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, come join me at the ledge for a clan meeting!!!!!!!!" Patchstar's call echoed around the forest. Owlheart settled himself down near the front, gazing up at his leader. Every cat then settled down. "As some of you may already know, We have scented fresh scent of Thunderclan inside out boundaries." Meowed Patchstar.  

Gasps of shock rippled through the clan. 'Is this going to mean war?!?! I can't fight against Pebblestream- Dont worry Owlheart... She is a queen... Warrior don't kill Queens, Elders or kits... At least some of us..' He thought gazing at Blackfur, Who clawed the ground, desprate for battle. 

"Will it mean war?" Asked Blackfur, hiding the excitement in his voice. "I am afriad so. Thunderclan has been intruding on our territory for too long. About a moon ago, We caught their scent in our territory." Replied Patchstar. He saw Blackfur claw the ground with joy. 

"We shall leave at dawn. The cats who are coming with me are, Blackfur, Sunblaze, Badgerfang, Flamefur, Beetlefoot, Boulderpelt, Mistypaw, Shadepaw, Owlheart, Birdwing, Brightpelt and Briarfur." Finished Patchstar. 

'This was it. He couldn't get away with it. He was going to have to fight Thunderclan... Pebblestream's clan....'

_____________________________________________(Pebblestream's POV)'

Dewfoot charged into camp yowling his head off. "Help!!!!!!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shadowclan are attacking at the border! Our patrol is out numbered! We need help- Now!" Yowled Dewfoot. 

Pebblestream spun around to face Mistyheart. "Can you watch the kits? I just have to go into battle! It be my first battle in a long time!" Asked Pebblestream. "Sure" Purred Mistyheart. 

Pebblestream and the patrol headed towards the Shadowclan border, With Dewfoot at the lead. When they emerged into the open, all the cats gasped. The Shadowclan cats were surrounding the small Thunderclan patrol, with their backs arched and spitting furiously. She reconized Spottedfall, In the middle of the patrol, with the Thunderclan cats proctecting her from all sides. 

"No!!!!" Yowled Pebblestream darting past Dewfoot at the lead. Pebblestream saw Blackfur, and leaped on him, clawing and raking him his spine. Blackfur let out a yowl, and spun around in circles. Pebblestream clung onto his back tight. As that, The whole clearing exploded into battle. Blackfur flung Pebblestream across the clearing, making her whack against the tree, and lay there, panting. She looked up and saw Blackfur confintenly stalking towards her, with an evil grin creeping up on her face. 

She got up, just as Blackfur leaped, and knocked her over again. Blackfur held her pinned, then started clawing at her spine and belly. 

Pebblestream found a force of dertermination for her kits. She used all her might and flung Blackfur off of her and sent him flying. She gazed around, Then looked back at Blackfur. He had started circling Spottedfall. "Not that one!" Screeched Pebblestream darting forwards. Blackfur turned around. "Oh? The little one want to come and watch me kill your medicine cat?" Sneered Blackfur. "No!" Pebblestream lunged at him, Knocking the large tom off his paws. 

Blackfur flung himself up and ontop of Pebblestream, crushing ehr by her weight. Then as she though it wouuld end there, a flash of brown passed by her muzzle, removing Blackfur's weight. She leaped up on her paws and stared.... 

She stared at who was pinning down Blackfur... 



So??? Any guesses on who is the mysterious cat who pinned down Blackfur??

Take wild guesses! XD 

So... Epic Battle... XD This battle might go on for at least the next chapy so... ENJOY!

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Till next time, Your awesome young writer,


(I don't feel like proof reading, Because I know this is already epic. XDDD)

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