Chapter 16

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I'm soooooo happy you guys are still reading this! Over a hundred reads on the first chapter! Wow! Keep it going guys and remember to fan be for new updates! BTW, the prophecy Bramblestar gives to Pebblestar at the beggining of this book, I give credit to HallyMckenzie for making that prophecy up for me.

Chapter 16:

Pebblestar awoke in the starclan hunting grounds.

Pebblestar glanced infront of her, and saw that Bramblestar was infront of her. 

"Pebblestar. I have an urgent prophecy for you." Meowed Bramblestar, gazing into her gaze with his amber eyes. 

"When the claw is in the sky, it will come down and destroy the forest with its mighty swipe. The prey must carry the pebble to lead the rest to safety." Meowed Bramblestar.

"What?" Meowed Pebblestar.

"When the claw is in the sky, it will come down and destroy the forest with its mighty swipe. The prey must carry the pebble to lead the rest to safety." Repeated Bramblestar. "Beware... Twolegs... Clans must come together." Meowed Bramblestar, and then faded. "No! Don't leave me!!!" Yowled Pebblestar, trying to lundge at the spot where Bramblestar had disappeared. 

She woke up thrashing around, with claws jabbed into her shoulder. She gazed up and saw Moonflight standing over her, with her claws fastened into her shoulder. "Are you okay?" Asked Moonflight as she realeased her grip. "I- I'm fine. It was just a bad dream." Meowed Pebblestar, forcing herself to stay calm.

"Alright then. Would you like to go out on a patrol?" Asked Moonflight. "Sure." Replied Pebblestar. Pebblestar stood up, and shook moss scraps from her fur. She quickly groomed it and followed Moonflight into the clearing. "Okay. Blizzardclaw, You take Pebblestar, Rabbithop, Volefur, Talonclaw, Mousetail, and Doveflight patroling on the Windclan border. They have been quiet lately, too quiet." Moonflight dismissed them with her tail. Blizzardclaw headed out of the entrance and her patrol followed.

When they reached the Windclan border, A strong scent of dog washed over her. She suddenly heard barking, growing louder and louder. "Dog!!!" Screeched Blizzardclaw. "Climb a tree!" Ordered Pebblestar. The cats scrambled to the nearest tree. There was no trees that Pebblestar could reach in time. She spun around, and scrambled up Tall rock. She stood on the top of the rock. She could almost see over the trees from here. 

Then, giant paws thrumming agaist the rock almost made Pebblestar lose her balance. She quickly stedyed herself. When she looked, she saw that there was 3 dogs. One dog was below her, trying to reach her. The other 2 dogs gave up on the other cats and joined the one, barking and snapping at Pebblestar. One of the dogs backed up, and slammed itself into the rock, setting it shaking. The dogs were going to knock the rock over!

Pebblestar, frightnened gripped onto the cold rock, trying to scramble and find a crack she could hold onto but the rock was as smooth as a strip of grass.

One dog, slowly set its paws forwards slowly up the rock. The other two dogs crouched near the bottom on the rock, waiting for the other to push her off. The one dog that was climbing up the rock, once it was close enough, it leaped at her. Pebblestar let out an ear-splitting screech and slashed at the dog's nose, slicing it open. The dog stumbled down the rock, whimpering. It scrambled up and ran off. She hissed and glared at the other 2. They stares blankly at her, and then they both lundged forward and slammed themselfs against the rock, and set it wobbling again. The 2 dogs ran off after the other one, and Pebblestar jumped down off the rock. 

She heard a long creeeeeeeeek. 

She turned around and gazed up. The rock started leaning over her, and then she plummeted to the ground under the rocks weight. 

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