"I'm just fucking with you... I know who you are." I reply as I shake his hand.

"Obviously." Justin says raising his eyebrows forming waves in his forehead.

"So, what are you doing out here alone?" He added to start the conversation.

"I could ask you the same thing." I remarked with a slight attitude.

"Don't worry about me sweet heart, I'm perfectly fine where I am." Justin responded as he trailed his tongue along his lips to wet them.

I held back a smile at his words only because I didn't want him to know he could effect me with his ways of teasing.

"Well well well, if it ain't Justin Bieber. I thought you weren't coming back after that last incident we had." The bearded drunk said carelessly interrupting our conversation.

Justin turned around in his chair noticing they were talking to him.

"You can't scare me so fuck off man." Justin hissed as he clenched his jaw.

The men laugh as they approach closer.

"Oh I see you met the bitch." The man said looking at the back of my head.

"Don't call her that. She doesn't want you messing with her and neither do I so do us all a favor and leave us the fuck alone." Justin stood up out of his chair and got nose to nose with the old geezer.

"Do something boy, I'm waiting... so I can beat your little bitch ass."

I heave a sigh and turn around to see Justin balling his fists at his side. Before anything got out of hand, I decided to get in the middle of them and try to calm Justin down. There is no way in hell he could take all of those men. Sorry Justin, but no.

"Justin, it's okay. It's not worth it." I say pushing him back a little.

"No it's not okay, these mother fuckers messed with me long enough and I'm not gonna let them fuck with me anymore." Justin said not caring what I said.

"Please Justin, just sit down. Be the better person. They are childish grown men just trying to pick a fight." I explained hoping that would help some.

Justin clenched his jaw and sat down and I rejoined him.

"What a pussy." The man said trying to instigate.

"Don't listen to them. You did the right thing, just ignore them."

As I went to grab my beer it fell onto the floor beside me and spilled everywhere. I honesty don't know how it fell out of my hand, but it did.

"Damn it." I hiss in frustration.

"Don't worry. I'll get you another one." Justin said getting out his cash.

"No, it's okay, you don't have to do that." I respond back nicely.

Justin insisted on buying me another beer, which was sweet, but I didn't really need another one.

"But I want to, so just let me buy you another one." Justin said as he paid the bartender to get my beer.

His hand slid me the beer. He popped it open and threw the cap on the table.

I thanked him and took a sip of the fresh cold beer. Damn it was good. Nothing was better than sipping on a cold beer while staring at Justin. Sorry... I'm secretly fangirling.

Justin stared into my eyes and held a full conversation with me. You would think he would remember me from today, but if he did he would have already said something about it.

As Justin and I were talking, a man from the group came up to us and tried to start more stuff. Justin ended up getting pissed off again.

"That's it, let's go." Justin said grabbing me by the arm and pulling me towards the exit.

"Justin wait, stop. Where are we going?" I ask as I stumble behind him.

"Out of here." He replied continuously pulling me.

"Wait stop." I pulled from his grip and stopped him in place.

"We have to get out of here before the paparazzi finds me then I will really be fucked." Justin said pulling me by my coat this time.

"God damn it, Justin stop pulling me and listen to me." I raise my voice and it got his attention.

"I'm just going to go alright?" I said rubbing the back of my arm.

"What... Why?" He asked with his eyes squinted.

"Because I don't know how you feel about being seen with me... I'm not Hailey or Selena or... Whoever." I explain without making eye contact.

"Really? I could give two shits about what anyone thinks. Come on." He said dragging me once again.

"Let me take my heels of at least damn." I began to grow impatient with Justin. It was like he couldn't stay still for one second.

"I'll carry you if I have to damn." Without me even saying a word Justin scooped me off of my feet and threw me over his shoulder and began to run.

"Put me down! I'll walk." I screamed but that didn't seem to get his attention.

I decide to have a little fun since he liked to play too damn much. His underwear were hanging out of his pants like they usually are. I tugged on them roughly causing him to stop in place.

"What the fuck Christina!" Justin said putting me down on my feet. I let out a laugh at his frustration.

"Shouldn't play too much and I wouldn't have done it."

As Justin and I walk side by side, the sidewalks began to grow crowded with girls. It all started with one girl.

"OMG Justin can I please get a picture with you!!! I love you Oh my god!!!" The girl screamed causing a scene.

Justin heaved a sigh and said "No pictures tonight. Sorry."

The girl didn't care how Justin felt, she shoved her camera in his face and took pictures anyways.

My blood pressure began to rise.

"Excuse me... I think he said he didn't want any pictures taken of him so if you would please..." I motion my hands shooing them away, but that obviously wasn't going to make them listen.

"Justin please I bought your album it's at least you could do." The same girl said.

I had it.

"He doesn't owe you a fucking picture just because you bought his album. Now If you were his real fan you would respect his wishes." I screamed holding back my anger from getting any worse.

The girls began to get crazier. They pushed Justin onto the ground trying to get pictures of him.
I stand in front of Justin and grab my taser out of my back pocket and strike it, causing the girls to shriek.

"Back the fuck up from him or you will be sorry." I handed Justin my hand and helped him up off of the ground.

"Are you okay?" I ask placing my hand on his back.

He nodded but I could tell he wasn't.

"When I let go of you, run to my car it's the black Mercedes." I whisper. Justin nodded and we both took off running to my car.

"Get in and lock the doors." I scream out of breath.

We made it inside safely, but there was a problem.

Girls surrounded my car, continuously banging their fists on the hood as they tried to get inside.

Justin looked so out of it and nothing hurt my heart more than to watch his own "fans" tear him apart.

My car hasn't even moved an inch. I just don't know how we are going to get out of this shit...

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